RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sqlite3 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sqlite3

rails-backbone 1.2.0

Quickly setup backbone.js for use with rails 3.1 and above apps. Generators are provide...

1.596.537 Descargas

paperclip-av-transcoder 0.6.4

Audio/Video Transcoder for Paperclip using FFMPEG/Avconv

1.592.687 Descargas

csv_builder 2.1.3

CSV template handler for Rails. Enables :format => 'csv' in controllers, with template...

1.557.947 Descargas

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1.557.567 Descargas

fancybox2-rails 0.2.8

This gem provides jQuery FancyBox 2 for your Rails 3.1/4.0 application. This gem is bas...

1.544.226 Descargas

upsert 2.9.10

Make it easy to upsert on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite3. Transparently creates merge f...

1.535.631 Descargas

carrierwave_backgrounder 1.0.2

Offload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using Delaye...

1.530.242 Descargas

baby_squeel 3.0.0

An expressive query DSL for Active Record 6+

1.523.959 Descargas

globalize-versioning 0.4.0

Provides support for using versioning gems such as PaperTrail with Globalize.

1.457.113 Descargas

nested_form_fields 0.8.4

Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...

1.440.976 Descargas

material_icons 4.0.0

Add Google Material Icons in your Rails projects easily. It is a library with +2500 ico...

1.438.473 Descargas

paper_trail-globalid 0.2.0

An extension to paper_trail, using this you can fetch actual object who was responsible...

1.438.250 Descargas

niceql 0.6.1

This is a simple and nice gem for SQL prettifying and formatting. Niceql splits, indent...

1.434.173 Descargas

stateful_enum 0.7.0

A state machine plugin on top of ActiveRecord::Enum

1.429.258 Descargas

columns_on_demand 6.1.0

Lazily loads large columns on demand. By default, does this for all TEXT (:text) and B...

1.416.507 Descargas

active_model-errors_details 1.3.1

Backported from Rails 5.0 to use with 4.x versions

1.405.730 Descargas

rails_sortable 1.6.0

rails_sortable provides easy drag & drop sorting for rails 4 and 5.

1.383.800 Descargas

sextant 0.2.4

Sextant is a Rails engine that quickly shows the routes available

1.371.916 Descargas

active_record-acts_as 5.2.0

Simulate multi-table inheritance for activerecord models using a polymorphic association

1.358.736 Descargas

activerecord-rescue_from_duplicate 0.2.6

Rescue from MySQL and Sqlite duplicate errors

1.281.805 Descargas

request-log-analyzer 1.13.4

Request log analyzer's purpose is to find out how your web application is being used, h...

1.276.834 Descargas

resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0

Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...

1.236.747 Descargas

bootstrap4-kaminari-views 1.0.1

Bootstrap 4 styling for Kaminari gem

1.233.298 Descargas

active_data 1.2.0

Making object from any hash or hash array

1.210.357 Descargas

where_exists 3.0.0

Rails way to harness the power of SQL "EXISTS" statement

1.193.647 Descargas

paperclip-meta 3.1.0

Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images

1.193.449 Descargas

filepicker-rails 2.1.0

Makes integrating with rails 4 easy

1.187.284 Descargas

join_dependency 0.1.4

If only this were easier...

1.164.812 Descargas

after_transaction_commit 2.2.2

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.after_transaction_commit { ... }

1.163.546 Descargas

sql_queries_count 0.0.1

Adds info about number of sql queries done during request to your rails logs.

1.149.368 Descargas

Total de descargas 147.366.742

Para esta versión 16.389

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.1

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
