Dépendances inversées pour stringex Latest version of the following gems require stringex
gimme-octo-kitty-wiki 0.0.1
GitHub's wiki doesn't currently have an API to call it's own, so this gem was created a...
5 116 Téléchargements
mongoid_slug_mongoid_beta_16_compatible 0.5.1
Mongoid Slug generates a URL slug or permalink based on one or more fields in a Mongoid...
5 110 Téléchargements
k3cms_blog 0.1.0
Provides a simple blog
5 006 Téléchargements
phoenix_core 0.2.1.beta
Its used for build core structure, dont contain biz.
4 715 Téléchargements
sentia-capistrano-gitflow 1.4.3
Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags. This gem was originally ...
4 378 Téléchargements
vkhater-social_stream-base 0.11.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
4 336 Téléchargements
taxis 0.0.1
Rails engine that adds a simple taxonomy structure to your application
4 266 Téléchargements
rfcommerce_core 0.0.3
Required dependancy for Rfcommerce
4 236 Téléchargements
nanoc_starter_set 0.0.1
Sensible defaults for a Nanoc site.
3 934 Téléchargements
transliterate_paperclip 0.1.0
Cyrillic transliteration file names to paperclip
3 759 Téléchargements
sapna_gale_test_core 1.0.0
Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Sapna gale test e-commerce project.
3 699 Téléchargements
questionable_answers 0.2.4
Makes it easy to add and edit forms programatically, specifying select, radio, checkbox...
3 356 Téléchargements
daqing_kramdown 2.3.2
kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...
3 250 Téléchargements
locomotivecms_mounter_pull_19 1.5.4
Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...
3 177 Téléchargements
capistrano-faucet 3.0.4
An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano
2 582 Téléchargements
texstylist 0.0.1
Produces a TeX document from a document+style specification pair. Use with the texstyle...
2 572 Téléchargements
capistrano-napkin 3.0.4
An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano
2 524 Téléchargements
dup_spree_core 1.3.0.rc1
Required dependency for Spree
2 489 Téléchargements
hancock_cms_news 1.0.2
2 459 Téléchargements
ruby-slugify 1.0.0
URL-friendly slugify in Ruby
2 453 Téléchargements
striker 0.0.8.pre
Simple & Fast Static Site Generator
2 364 Téléchargements
google-gmail-api 0.0.14
A Ruby interface to Gmail API (NO IMAP, NO SMTP). Search, read and send multipart ema...
2 364 Téléchargements
harpiya_core 4.3.0.alpha
The bare bones necessary for Harpiya.
1 545 Téléchargements
sbf-dm-types 1.3.0.beta
DataMapper plugin providing extra data types for use in data models
104 Téléchargements