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Dépendances inversées pour sunspot_rails Latest version of the following gems require sunspot_rails

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

8 876 Téléchargements

sunspot-rails-http-basic-auth 0.0.2

HTTP Basic Authentication support for sunspot_rails

8 733 Téléchargements

sunspot_mongo_mapper 0.1.1

A Sunspot wrapper for MongoMapper.

8 228 Téléchargements

esp-gems 0.0.2

ESP's gemset

8 171 Téléchargements

data_mapped 0.0.2

Mixins for DataMapper

7 135 Téléchargements

spree_sunspot 1.0.0

Use Sunspot as search engine in Spree applications

6 773 Téléchargements

websolr-sunspot4heroku-cis 0.0.2

websolr with geocoding for heroku

6 665 Téléchargements

sunspot_mongomapper 0.0.4

A Sunspot wrapper for MongoMapper that is like sunspot_rails.

6 507 Téléchargements

stub_solr 0.0.6

overrided StubSessionProxy with AR queries to mimic sunspot

6 218 Téléchargements

sunspot_kaminari_support 0.0.2

Adds methods required for kaminari helpers in views to sunspot result

6 061 Téléchargements

vinova_sunspot_autocomplete 1.0.1

A Rails plugin encapsulating autocompletion of HTML text input using Solr and Sunspot

4 820 Téléchargements

notch8_sunspot_autocomplete 2.0.1

A Rails plugin encapsulating autocompletion of HTML text input using Solr and Sunspot

4 753 Téléchargements

jake3030-sunspot_with_kaminari 0.1.1

Extends sunspot to be compatible with kaminari for pagination

4 483 Téléchargements

websolr-sunspot_rails_geoding 1.0

websolr to sunspot_rails shim

4 034 Téléchargements

sunspot_connector 0.2.0

Allows the override of some Sunspot Solr HTTP settings

4 032 Téléchargements

sunspot_mongo-toothrot 1.1.0

Sunspot support for Mongo Mapper and Mongoid.

3 703 Téléchargements

websolr-sunspot4heroku 1.0.0

websolr with geocoding for heroku

3 654 Téléchargements

messaging_4 0.0.1

Messaging allows you to put have messaigng support in a rails or refinery application.

3 290 Téléchargements

sunspot_neo4j 1.0.0

A Sunspot wrapper for Neo4j that is like sunspot_rails.

3 126 Téléchargements

supplejack_api 1

Supplejack API

2 511 Téléchargements

calagator2 2.1.1

Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

1 274 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 4 774 493

Pour cette version 173



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
