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terminal-table 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 terminal-table

capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1

CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...

452,901 下載

shenzhen 0.14.3

CLI for Building & Distributing iOS Apps (.ipa Files)

417,524 下載

praxis 0.21

Building APIs the way you want it.

373,254 下載

flapjack 2.0.0

Flapjack is a distributed monitoring notification system that provides a scalable metho...

372,569 下載

nixenvironment 0.0.161

Installs, updates and manages inner environment stuff to make build and deploy for NIX ...

287,169 下載

rakuten_web_service 1.13.2

Ruby Client for Rakuten Web Service

275,332 下載

apollo-crawler 0.1.31

Gem for crawling data from external sources

268,463 下載

fukuzatsu 2.3.2

Calculates code complexity as a measure of paths through code execution. CI integration...

260,366 下載

brief 1.17.14

Brief is a library for developing applications whose primary interface is the text editor

257,479 下載

generamba 1.5.0

Generamba is a powerful and easy-to-use Xcode code generator. It provides a project-bas...

246,884 下載

hakiri 0.7.2

Hakiri is a CLI for—a cloud security platform for Ruby on Rails apps.

243,622 下載

xcprofiler 0.6.3

xcprofiler parses activity logs generated by Xcode and reports build time of Swift proj...

240,815 下載

cupertino 1.4.0

A command-line interface for the iOS Provisioning Portal

237,197 下載

zillabyte-cli 0.9.51

The Official Zillabyte CLI Gem

233,823 下載

rainforest-cli 1.12.6

Command line utility for Rainforest QA

229,052 下載

ayadn 4.0.3 command-line client: toolbox to access and manage your ADN data, show your stre...

225,437 下載

cloudfactory 0.7.4

A Ruby wrapper and CLI for to interact with REST API

199,748 下載

awsome 0.0.64

AWS library targeted specifically for continuous integration.

193,670 下載

capybara_table 0.3.0

Selectors for working with tables for Capybara

189,344 下載


Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...

181,067 下載

deep-cover-core 1.1.0

Core functionality for the DeepCover gem.

171,966 下載

limarka 19.7.3

Com essa ferramenta você poderá escrever sua monografia, dissertação ou tese utilizando...

159,030 下載

gd_bam 0.1.40

A description of your project

157,739 下載

gush 3.0.0

Gush is a parallel workflow runner using Redis as storage and ActiveJob for executing j...

148,232 下載

cassie 1.1.7

Application support for Apache Cassandra using the the official `cassandra-driver`. Cas...

140,737 下載

opsicle 2.15.0

CLI for the opsworks platform

136,436 下載

casino 4.1.2

CASino is a simple CAS (Central Authentication Service) server.

133,709 下載

skunk 0.5.3

Knows how to calculate the SkunkScore for a set of Ruby modules

132,537 下載

git-multirepo 78.0

Track multiple Git repositories side-by-side.

124,730 下載

kovid 0.7.1

A CLI to fetch and compare the 2019 coronavirus pandemic statistics.

120,564 下載

總下載次數 233,144,115

這個版本 62,604,358



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
