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test-unit-rr 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 test-unit-rr

prawn-emoji 5.3.0

Prawn::Emoji is an extention that adds Emoji support to Prawn

933,288 下载

fluent-plugin-syslog_rfc5424 0.8.0

FluentD output plugin to send messages via Syslog rfc5424.

728,235 下载

fluent-plugin-webhdfs 1.6.0

For WebHDFS and HttpFs of Hadoop HDFS

697,080 下载

fluent-plugin-gelf 0.2.6

Converts fluentd log events into GELF format and sends them to Graylog

687,436 下载

turnip_formatter 0.8.0

RSpec custom formatter for Turnip

610,075 下载

groonga-client 0.6.9

Groonga-client gem supports HTTP or [GQTP (Groonga Query Transfer Protocol)](http://gro...

579,377 下载

packnga 1.0.4

Packnga is a library to translate to many languages by YARD.

457,410 下载

fluent-plugin-td 1.2.0

Treasure Data Cloud Data Service plugin for Fluentd

447,478 下载

iruby 0.7.4

A Ruby kernel for Jupyter environment. Try it at

403,526 下载

fluent-plugin-docker_metadata_filter 0.1.3

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata

359,007 下载

knife-zero 2.5.2

Run chef-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port foward...

334,816 下载

test-unit-rails 7.0.2

Rails supports Minitest but doesn't support test-unit.

297,225 下载

fluent-plugin-sql 2.3.1

SQL input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector

286,181 下载

groonga-query-log 1.7.8

Groonga-query-log is a collection of library and tools to process [Groonga](http://groo...

272,799 下载

epub-parser 0.4.8

Parse EPUB 3 book loosely

231,567 下载

grntest 1.7.5

Grntest is a testing framework for Groonga. You can write a test for Groonga by writing...

179,792 下载

fluent-plugin-flowcounter-simple 0.1.0

Simple Fluentd Plugin to count number of messages and outputs to log

174,979 下载

fluent-plugin-mackerel 1.1.0

fluent plugin to send metrics to

164,624 下载

test-unit-full 0.0.5

A meta package to use all test-unit extensions.

164,531 下载

fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model 0.0.22

Filter plugin to ensure data is in the ViaQ common data model

156,246 下载

rabbit 3.0.3

You can create your slide as a text file. It means that you can version controlyour sli...

125,292 下载

circuit_switch 0.5.1

circuit_switch is a gem for 'difficult' application. This switch helps to make changes ...

122,940 下载

fluent-plugin-json-in-json-2 1.0.2

Parser plugin that parses JSON attributes with JSON strings in them

106,290 下载

fluent-plugin-http-pull 0.8.3

The input plugin of fluentd to pull log from rest api

103,161 下载

conoha 0.11.0

ConoHa VPS CLI Tool

98,439 下载

prawn-disable_word_break 2.3.1

Prawn::DisableWordBreak is an extension for Prawn that disables word-breaking by charac...

90,155 下载

bitclust-core 1.3.0

Rurema is a Japanese ruby documentation project, and bitclust is a rurema document proc...

80,962 下载

embulk-input-mixpanel 0.6.1

Loads records from Mixpanel.

76,308 下载

fluent-plugin-mysql-appender 0.5.1

Simple incremental id's insert.

70,947 下载

embulk-input-google_spreadsheets 1.1.1

Load records from Google Spreadsheets.

62,597 下载

下载总量 2,911,509

这个版本 2,774,233


LGPLv2 or later

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
