RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para thin La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren thin

icwot 0.3.4

icwot : RESTfull sinatra server providing inversion of control for logging messages fro...

22.190 Descargas

rhet-butler 0.14.1

Rhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it...

21.934 Descargas

snowly 0.2.4

Snowly is a minimal collector implementation intended to validate your event tracking r...

21.922 Descargas

toolmantim-bananajour 2.1.9

Local git repository hosting with a sexy web interface and bonjour discovery. It's like...

21.897 Descargas

pastry 0.3.2

thin runner that forks and supports binding to single socket

21.825 Descargas

slickgrid-requirejs-rails 1.3.0

SlickGrid Integration for Rails and RequireJS

21.740 Descargas


Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p1...

21.715 Descargas

ecm_cms_core 0.0.8

Database backed templates and partials.

21.469 Descargas

thrifty-bunny 0.1.1

RabbitMQ adapter for Apache Thrift

21.401 Descargas

lorraine 0.0.7

How else are you going to communicate with an LED wall?

21.374 Descargas

sinatra-symphony 0.5.2

em-synchrony glue for sinatra.

21.310 Descargas

mappum 0.2.4

Mappum is the tree to tree (object, bean etc.) mapping DSL.

21.276 Descargas

faye-redis-delayed 0.0.3

Delayed Redis engine backend for Faye

21.268 Descargas

ace-eye 0.6.5

FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Rub...

21.234 Descargas

git_goggles 0.0.6

A simple API for a git server

21.131 Descargas

daps 0.0.2

Like taps but for files.

21.017 Descargas

ecm_sliders 1.0.4.pre

ECM Module Template.

20.896 Descargas

omnifiles 0.4.1

File storage and URL shortener.

20.837 Descargas

rwiki 0.2.5

Personal wiki based on ExtJS

20.822 Descargas

formbuilder-rb 0.2.4

This is a Rails Engine for

20.752 Descargas

halfling 0.0.11

Use hobbit with some template niceties and other conveniences.

20.741 Descargas

dafiti-rabbit-hutch 0.1.12

Logger for rabbitMQ!

20.482 Descargas

sinatra-pubsub 0.0.7

Server Sent Events for Sinatra

20.477 Descargas

terminus 0.6.0

Capybara driver for cross-browser and remote scripting

20.474 Descargas

izanami 0.20.0

Web app to handle capistrano recipes.

20.457 Descargas

grape_api_signature 0.0.6

Add AWS Signature 4 style authentication to grape API's.

20.394 Descargas

codestock 0.1.4

longer description of your gem

20.318 Descargas

roby 3.0.0

The Roby plan manager is currently developped from within the Robot Construction Kit (h...

20.248 Descargas

markov-rb 0.1.9

markov chain management

20.220 Descargas

magic_mirror 0.1.4

A library that makes it easy to add an HTML based GUI to your ruby library

20.020 Descargas

Total de descargas 165.908.597

Para esta versión 6.013.552

Versión publicada:


GPL-2.0+, Ruby

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.5
