RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para thin La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren thin

shelly-dependencies 0.2.5

Loads gems required for deployment on Shelly Cloud

58.059 Descargas

guides 0.7.2

A tool for creating version controlled guides for open source projects, based on the Ra...

57.456 Descargas

resourceful 1.0.1

An HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.

57.332 Descargas

fae-rails 3.0.0

CMS for Rails. For Reals.

57.206 Descargas

client_side_validations-formtastic 2.2.1

Formtastic Plugin for ClientSideValidaitons

56.877 Descargas

combi 0.4.0

Provides implementation for in process, amqp or web socket service bus

56.830 Descargas

bpm 1.0.0

Browser Package Manager

56.183 Descargas

rails4_client_side_validations 4.2.0

Client Side Validations for Rails 4

55.832 Descargas

omf_web 1.2.9

OMF's Web based control and visualization framework.

55.619 Descargas

cassandra-web 0.5.0

Apache Cassandra web interface using Ruby, Event-machine, AngularJS, Server-Sent-Events...

54.099 Descargas

thin-attach_socket 0.2

This is useful for running thin behind einhorn, and requires a recent eventmachine

52.775 Descargas

junkie 0.1.3

TV series management application

52.422 Descargas

minicron 0.7.11

A system to make it easier to manage and monitor cron jobs. Please note new versions ar...

52.027 Descargas

upton 0.3.6

Don't re-write web scrapers every time. Upton gives you a scraper template that's easy ...

51.882 Descargas

Dex_Rack 0.2.3

It is a web-frontend for Dex. Update and view exceptions logged with the Dex gem.

51.182 Descargas

frecon 1.5.0

A JSON API in Sinatra for scouting FRC competitions, and that manages the database usin...

51.047 Descargas

deckrb 0.5.2

deck.js ( is a JavaScript library for building...

50.083 Descargas

ecm_cms2 5.1.2

CMS base module for ruby on rails.

49.918 Descargas

t2-web 0.2.0

Web application that generates a Web UI form for a Taverna2 workflow, given its myExper...

49.842 Descargas

stacksondeck 1.3.1

Stupid simple Chef-Rundeck integration.

49.090 Descargas

docwu 0.0.17

Description of Doc Work UP.

48.588 Descargas

giblish 2.2.2

giblish generates indexed and searchable documents from a tree of asciidoc files.

48.383 Descargas

acts_as_published 1.1.0

Acts as published beahviour for active record models.

48.015 Descargas

sinatra-rocketio-linda 1.1.0

Linda implementation on Sinatra RocketIO

47.911 Descargas

epuber 0.10.2

Epuber is simple tool to compile and pack source files into EPUB format.

47.697 Descargas

boxlet 1.0.5

Upload pics from your phone

47.588 Descargas

apple_epf 1.2.2

Downloader, Extractor and Parser for Apple Epf Affiliate files

46.917 Descargas

susanoo 0.14.0

Develop mobile application using apache cordova and ruby utilities.

46.697 Descargas

boned 0.3.2

HTTP server companion for Bone (remote environment variables)

46.670 Descargas

ecm_news2 5.2.0

Provides News functionality for ruby on rails.

45.921 Descargas

Total de descargas 157.322.938

Para esta versión 5.011.467


GPL-2.0+, Ruby

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.5
