toml 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 toml
torrent_rss 0.2.0
Manage parsing RSS files for torrents and downloading them
6,579 下載
scratchpad-app 0.1.2
A paint program for note taking.
5,324 下載
lyricsender 0.1.1
This gem is a CLI that uses the Genius API and web scraping to rapid-fire send your fri...
3,806 下載
tc-twitterer 0.1.1
This program pulls a specified file from a GitHub repo, then tweets a random line with ...
3,755 下載
reshape_helper 0.2.1
A Ruby helper library for applications using Reshape
3,248 下載
pomelo-router 0.0.2
linux router network setup automation
3,109 下載
SUPPORT 0.0.1pre
SUPPORT: Setting Up & Provisioning Pragmatic OSS Ruby Technologies
2,385 下載
vagrant-hetznercloud 0.0.1
Enables Vagrant to manage machines in Hetznercloud.
2,350 下載
sutra 0.1.0
Zendesk as Code
2,064 下載
jekyll-image-gallery 1.0.2
Gallery generator for Jekyll
1,451 下載
fly-rails 0.3.5
Rails support for Fly-io
973 下載
slashcode 0.0.2
slashcode: The language based on the slash
316 下載