RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour turn Latest version of the following gems require turn

cartolify 0.4.1

This is the Engine for my Budget System

19 378 Téléchargements

cloudfront_asset_host 1.1.0

Easy deployment of your assets on CloudFront or S3 using a simple rake-task. When enabl...

19 152 Téléchargements

bettersam 0.2.0

Extended SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) file parsing

19 137 Téléchargements

binarybeast 0.2.2.pre

Ruby gem to access the binary beast api.

19 120 Téléchargements

mail_envi 0.2.1

Mail interceptor for different environments

19 079 Téléchargements

bootlace 0.2.2

Simple gem for bootstrapping Ruby applications

19 001 Téléchargements

jquery-raty-rails 0.0.1

Integrates jquery-raty into the Rails 3 asset pipeline.

18 905 Téléchargements

calendrier 0.9.5

simple calendar gem, including helpers to display objects inside cells

18 695 Téléchargements

uberpass 1.0.0

uses open ssl and a cli to generate and retrieve passwords

18 605 Téléchargements

app-version-git 0.0.4

Show version number based on git commit counts and enable to show change log from commi...

18 526 Téléchargements

truevault 0.0.1

A super quick Ruby client for TrueVault ("handles HIPAA compliance so that you don’t ha...

18 136 Téléchargements

basechip 0.0.4

Define your project in terms of blocks, configurations, tests, and modes. Install or C...

18 039 Téléchargements

warcards 0.0.7

An addictive game of War! to help slog through flash-card memorization

17 950 Téléchargements

imager 0.0.6

A remote storange and resizer client for images.

17 597 Téléchargements

strongroom 1.0.0

Strong public-key encryption for arbitrary length data.

17 199 Téléchargements

credit_card_validation 1.0.4

A credit card validation library to check offline validity of any AMEX, Discover, Maste...

17 155 Téléchargements

caching 0.0.5

Cache methods

16 984 Téléchargements

exceptionist 0.3.1

Request a certain HTTP status code to be returned

16 925 Téléchargements

mail_sandbox 0.1.3

Gem has run SMTP server and manipulate letters received. Using the Observer pattern you...

16 866 Téléchargements

coletivo 0.0.3

An awesome, flexible, powerful, useful, tricky and liar Rails 3 recommendations engine.

16 791 Téléchargements

session_logger 1.0.4

A simple rails engine that makes logging and testing easier

16 486 Téléchargements

cached_uploads 0.0.4

Caches file uploads when validation fails.

16 009 Téléchargements

castache 0.0.4

Simple structured object cache for ruby apps.

15 665 Téléchargements

class_config 0.0.2

Class configuration attributes

15 634 Téléchargements

nfe_reader 1.0.6

NFe XML Extractor

15 473 Téléchargements


Ruby wrapper for interacting with Empresaula's API

15 293 Téléchargements

rails_codebook 0.1.1

Codebook solution we all use in our projects

15 092 Téléchargements

frizzle 0.1.2

A wrapper for the TransLoc API

14 924 Téléchargements

coop 1.1.1

Interact with the Co-op API with Ruby

14 787 Téléchargements

samorau 0.3.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

14 700 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 217 253

Pour cette version 334 673

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
