tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo
yahoo_sports 0.2.1
Ruby library for parsing stats from Yahoo! Sports pages. Currently supports MLB, NBA, N...
11,298 下载
koko-ai-ruby 0.0.6
The Koko AI ruby client library
11,053 下载
mongomapper-versioned 0.0.3
A MongoMapper extension adding Versioning
10,908 下载
nzholidays 0.5.0
New Zealand Public Holidays
10,899 下载
code_tools 4.2.1
Tools for source code maintenance, including version stamping, line endings and tab/spa...
10,845 下载
autoluv 0.3.2
Easy-to-use gem to check in to Southwest flights automatically. Also supports sending e...
10,722 下载
octranspo 0.0.2
Tools for gathering data about OC Transpo service, routes and stop locations.
10,652 下载
perens-instant-user 0.0.3
An engine that implements user and login handling instantly for an application. It uses...
10,650 下载
business_hours 0.0.3
Allows easily handle opening hours without take care of time zones
10,608 下载
country_currency 1.0.0
ISO country code and currency library
10,594 下载
unix_epoch 0.2.1
Adds from_unix_ts and to_unix_ts methods to the DateTime class
10,578 下载
rubys-gorp 0.1.5
Enables the creation of scenarios that involve creating a rails project, starting and s...
10,431 下载
tickwork 0.9.2
A fork of clockwork. Under development.
10,400 下载
isitopencoffeetomorrow 0.3.0
Embedded sinatra app for answering the is it tomorrow question
10,306 下载
which_time 1.0.4
this gem provides a possibility to search local time by street/place_name/city/region/c...
10,258 下载
jukebox-rails 1.0.2
Jukebox is a component to handle the playback of music and sound effects across multipl...
10,154 下载
shuttle_cli 0.0.4
For people who work in the Terminal. This provides a command line interface with all yo...
10,091 下载
stackbuilders-campfire_export 0.5.1
Exports content from all rooms in a 37signals Campfire account. Creates a directory...
9,777 下载
eostrom-zvent 0.0.6
Interface for the zvents API without all the mess.
9,292 下载
ruby-vobject 1.0.99
The main purpose of the gem is to parse vobject formatted text into a ruby hash format....
9,148 下载
middleman-blog_page 0.0.3
Blog page engine for Middleman
9,078 下载
jirabas 1.0.2
This helps you know what you're working on right now
9,046 下载
virtual_time_zone_rails 0.3.0
Virtual TimeZone
9,031 下载
vremya 1.0.2
A lump of syntactic sugar around native Date and Time objects, that takes the pain out ...
8,862 下载
fmt_alias 0.0.3
Simply create virtual fields to humanize real field values
8,663 下载
silverdot 0.1.4
Emboss JST on your ERB Template built from simple ERB View for shareing between clients...
8,455 下载
browserid-rails 0.5.0
Rails authentication framework using Mozilla Persona and the BrowserID protocol.
8,446 下载
experimental-influxdb-rails 1.0.0.beta5
This gem automatically instruments your Ruby on Rails 4.2/5.x applications using Influx...
8,395 下载
timestamp_maker 1.3.1
timestamp_maker is a command-line tool that adds timestamp on assets/videos based on th...
8,274 下载
icalendar-gcal 0.3.0
Parse GoogleCalenders into iCalendar objects from ID or public iCal URL
8,195 下载