RubyGems Navigation menu

tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo

pcloud_api 0.2.6

A Ruby library for interacting with the pCloud API

8,143 下载

edifice-widgets 0.1.1

Edifice-widgets is a companion gem to edifice which allows simple unobtrusive javascrip...

8,008 下载

boppers-uptime 0.1.3

A bopper to check if your sites are online.

7,987 下载

rememberthemilk 0.0.3

description: rememberthemilk kicks the ass

7,981 下载

rack_global_session 0.3

A port of has_global_session to Rack middleware.

7,906 下载

tzinfo-ir 0.3.0

InfraRuby time zone functions

7,780 下载

aga-architecture 0.0.20

Architecture Ruby is a lightweight gem for manage operations of aga gems.

7,734 下载

tower_bridge_lifts 1.0.4

Provides lift times information, parsed from

7,581 下载

adapt 0.0.1

An interface library for the PayPal Adaptive Payments service.

7,549 下载

dynamoid-moda 0.7.2

Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...

7,531 下载

neverland 0.0.3

Ever need to test geolocation in your Rails app? This gem makes it easy.

7,477 下载

xignite 0.1.2

Access the Xignite financial data web services with a simple and intuitive Ruby library

7,443 下载

exstatic 0.0.2

Allows managed content pages in a Ruby on Rails 3.1+ application.

7,389 下载

code-tools 5.0.2

Tools for source code maintenance, including version stamping, line endings and tab/spa...

7,312 下载

rapid-core 0.2.1

Code that understands code and can change it programmatically

7,301 下载

feed_into 0.2.9

Merge multiple different data streams into a custom structure. Also easy to expand by a...

7,284 下载

tztime 0.1.0

Time zone localization with compatibility for Rails/ActiveRecord

7,135 下载

trello_freestyler 0.5.0

Built so trello data can be easily ingested into BigQuery.

7,131 下载

wip-cli 1.4.1

A simple gem to manage todos from the command line.

7,071 下载

turning 0.0.2

The wheels in the sky keep on turning

7,056 下载

versioner 0.2.0

Easily manage a version number for your Rails app. The version is stored in a YAML file...

7,013 下载

red_trend 0.0.2

Store your trend data in redis

6,982 下载

tz 0.0.1

Displays UTC time/datatime objects in a specified timezone.

6,906 下载


Gem containing Elastic connectors service

6,801 下载

vobject 1.1.0

Parse vObject formats: iCalendar (RFC 5545), vCard {3,4} (RFC 6350).

6,690 下载

web-ex-events 1.0.2

Allows fetching and parsing WebEx events through the WebEx API. Events can be queried a...

6,569 下载

fluent-plugin-rds-mysql-slow-log 0.3.0

Fluentd input plugin for MySQL slow query log table on Amazon RDS.

6,468 下载

zone_ranger 0.0.3

Time Zone Ranger

6,359 下载

coinsync 0.2.1

A tool for importing and processing data from cryptocurrency exchanges

6,299 下载

aga-money 0.0.14

Money Ruby is a lightweight gem for make money with cryptos services.

6,247 下载

下载总量 1,000,398,708

这个版本 237,536,656




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
