tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo
icalendar-google 1.0.0
Parse GoogleCalenders into iCalendar objects from ID or public iCal URL
6,205 下载
docli 0.0.2
Commandline interface for DigitalOcean
6,146 下载
view_object 0.2.0
Description of ViewObject.
6,080 下载
Dynamoid 0.0.1
Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
6,073 下载
couchrest_model_thought 1.0.0.beta9
CouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
5,994 下载
miguelbaldi-grit 1.1.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
5,919 下载
schedule_attributes 0.3.0
Converts to/from date & time inputs for managing scheduled models.
5,754 下载
solar_geometry_calculation 0.1.5
Mathematical part of obtaining solar geometry information
5,739 下载
aratak_date_validator 0.6.1
A simple, ORM agnostic, Ruby 1.9 compatible date validator for Rails 3, based on Active...
5,726 下载
periodoxical 2.2.1
Generating date/times based on rules. Perfect for (but not limited to) calendar/schedu...
5,724 下载
reagent-graft 0.1.1
Simple XML to attribute mapping for your Ruby classes
5,720 下载
coolsms-rb 0.2.0
CoolSMS Ruby Client. under construction...
5,684 下载
rack-a_day_without 0.0.3
Rack middleware for serving alternate content on a given day
5,679 下载
clocklands 0.3.0
I'm often told that 'timezones are hard', so, taking some inspiration from 'The Good Pl...
5,640 下载
witt 0.3.0
Quickly check current time in different timezones without leaving your beloved terminal.
5,631 下载
paycall-sms 0.1.2
Ruby api for sms service provider: PayCall
5,515 下载
openlogic-couchrest_model 1.0.0
CouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
5,406 下载
ruddertest 0.0.3
The Rudder ruby analytics library
5,383 下载
sensu-plugins-mailgun 1.0.0
Sensu mailgun plugins
5,261 下载
cassandra_mapper 0.0.1
Provides class-building functionality and ORM-like behaviors for working with Cassandra...
5,168 下载
couchrest_model-radiant 1.0.0
CouchRest Model for radiantcms-couchrest_model
5,155 下载
better-ripple 1.0.0
better-ripple is an improved version of ripple, an object-mapper library for Riak. It ...
5,104 下载
nylas_v2 5.14.2
A fork of the nylas gem for interacting with the Nylas V2 API.
4,833 下载
zvent 0.0.3
Interface for the zvents API without all the mess.
4,822 下载
lita-timezone 0.1.0
Lita handler to convert time between timezones
4,793 下载
brancusi 0.0.1
An opinionated CoffeeScript framework for developing single page applications.
4,713 下载
Write a longer description or delete this line.
4,707 下载
aurora-data-api 0.1.4
Doesn't depend on ActiveRecord and takes advantage of PORO (plain old Ruby object) like...
4,703 下载
sepastian-mongoid-rails4 4.0.1.alpha
Mongoid fork with support for Rails 4, for gem development. When releasing a gem, the g...
4,634 下载
asklytics-influxdb-rails 1.0.0
Instrumentation of rails app
4,566 下载