tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo
whatup 0.3.5
whatup is a simple server-based instant messaging application using TCP sockets. It wa...
19,505 下载
ashmont 0.11.1
ActiveModel-like objects and helpers for interacting with Braintree.
19,474 下载
nike_v2_neura 0.3.7
Nike+ API V2 Gem
19,463 下载
RTL version of bootstrap-sass
19,057 下载
photein 0.2.5
Import/rename photos & videos from one directory to another.
18,898 下载
iknow_params 2.3.1
Rails parameter parser for iKnow.
18,666 下载
bahai_date 1.4.0
Provides functionality to convert between the Gregorian and Baha'i calendar, as well as...
18,632 下载
tbk 1.0.3
Ruby implementation of Transbank's Webpay protocol
18,622 下载
A fork of the original 'font-awesome-rails' gem to include a base64 encoded css file of...
18,445 下载
sequel-jdbc-as400 1.1.0
The Database Toolkit for Ruby: JDBC AS400 driver
18,326 下载
human_date 0.0.3
View helpers to make your Dates and Times more human like
18,176 下载
browserid-auth-rails 0.5.7
This gem provides a lightweight single-sign-on authentication framework to a Rails ...
17,884 下载
reality 0.0.5
Reality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...
17,613 下载
fa-harness-tools 1.3.2
FreeAgent-specific pre-flight checks and tools that are designed to work in
17,498 下载
rails3b 3.0.1
My kingdom for working dependencies.
17,156 下载
ruby_core_extensions 0.4.0
These are extensions from core ruby classes.
16,747 下载
pseudo_entity 0.1.2
A class for generating realistic looking data for people, companies, etc.
16,606 下载
ember-rails-lite 0.18.0
Ember for Rails 3.1+ without ActiveModel::Serializers
16,576 下载
spatial_stats 2.0.0
An ActiveRecord/PostGIS extension that provides statistical methods to spatial postgres...
16,511 下载
events-sdk-ruby 0.0.2
Hightouch Events SDK
16,250 下载
mmb-seasonal 0.0.7
Create a calendar of date and time events and execute code based on which events are cu...
15,740 下载
mosaic-lyris 1.0.6
A wrapper for the Lyris/EmailLabs API to simplify integration
15,680 下载
cinebase 3.0.1
I maintain several gems for cinema times in the UK, this gem is the interface descriptor.
15,611 下载
s3_browser_uploads 0.1.2
Easy straight-to-s3 uploads from your browser
15,596 下载
nostradamus 1.0.0
Time calculation
15,536 下载
mongoid_ext 0.9.0
mongoid plugins
15,345 下载
ruby-tumblr 0.0.2
ruby-tumblr is a library for tumblr API.
15,305 下载
fine_uploader 3.5.0
User-friendly file-uploading experience over the web
15,041 下载
overture 0.2.1
Compilation of tools and configurations that will help you get started with your back-e...
14,952 下载
has_zone 0.0.4
Provides a way to convert from TZinfo time zone identifer to ActiveSupport TimeZone for...
14,938 下载