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unicode_utils 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 unicode_utils

replacer_bot 0.1.2

Search Twitter for a phrase, search-and-replace phrases in the tweets, tweet them

32,300 下載

russian_inflect 1.0.2

Склонение по падежам заголовков на русском языке

32,257 下載

indexed_search 0.1.9

A rich indexed search engine for Rails written in pure Ruby.

30,941 下載

naive-search 0.1.8

Provides very simple full text searching for ActiveRecord, without depending on any par...

30,135 下載

nestedtext 4.5.0

A ruby library for the human friendly data format NestedText (

29,738 下載

mongoid-fulltextable 0.1.6

Simple & stupid 'fulltext' searching for Mongoid.

28,028 下載

mongoid-fts 2.0.0

enable mongodb's new fulltext simply and quickly on your mongoid models, including pagi...

25,003 下載

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,526 下載

mongoid-haystack 1.4.2

a mongoid 3 zero-config, zero-integration, POLS pure mongo fulltext solution

23,700 下載

mernis 1.0.5

SOAP client for MERNIS services provided by Ministry of the Interior, Turkey

23,365 下載

male_or_female 1.0.4

Гем для распознования пола по имени человека, а также формального/неформального формата...

16,755 下載

karamzin 1.0.6

Принимает на вход строку и возвращает строку с проставленной буквой Ё именно в тех слов...

16,634 下載

haller 1.0.2

@sercaneraslan'ın Haller.js'inin Ruby portu

16,339 下載

russian_sex 0.0.1

Gender detector for russian names.

15,862 下載

bookclean 0.0.7

A library with several functions to clean book metadata in portugues.

14,885 下載

ruby-wordpress 0.0.4

A gem to interface with the WordPress database

11,379 下載

cardamom 0.2.0

Helpers for Cuba apps

8,654 下載

pristine_text 0.0.3

This gem uses unicode_utils to lowercase text, removes non-letters, strips and squeezes...

7,716 下載


Includes data from the Debian iso-data project.

7,376 下載

word_aligner 0.1.2

WordAligner allows you to compare two strings as CMU-Sphinx does

6,409 下載

immosquare-extensions 0.1.23

The immosquare-extensions gem provides a set of utility extensions for various Ruby cor...

5,945 下載

ruby_extended 1.1.1

Extend Ruby classes with helpful methods

5,783 下載

cipher_bureau 0.2.1

Sometimes you need to generate passwords in your application. This gem does exactly t...

5,655 下載

indoor_voice 0.0.2

Lowercase all-caps strings excluding acronyms

5,451 下載

wiktionary 0.1.1

English words morphological description and basic conversion rules based on the English...

5,357 下載

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4,817 下載

cloud_text 0.1.1

This gem removes punctuation and digits(optional), filters stopwords for the chosen lan...

4,174 下載

bank_payments 0.5.1

For generating payment files for various banks

3,954 下載

hikkmemo 1.0.0

Extensible/customizable/programmable thread/post/image memoizer for imageboards.

3,824 下載

supplejack_api 1

Supplejack API

2,524 下載

總下載次數 85,132,622

這個版本 84,915,037


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.1
