RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para unirest La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren unirest

ljoyce_customer_scoring 0.1.2

Returns consumer propensity and ranking data based on income, zipcode, and age.

5.781 Descargas

metacritic 0.1.1

Wrapper for Mashape's Metacritic API.

5.726 Descargas

lbweather 0.0.2

Displays the current weather.

5.634 Descargas

is_available 1.0.2

Simply check if a domain has been registered ( or if it is resolvable ) to determine if...

5.508 Descargas

tolarian_registry 0.0.2

A one-stop api wrapper for all Magic: the Gathering information.

5.465 Descargas

unbabel 0.0.2

Unbabel is a translation as a service, this is a ruby wrapper around their API.

5.454 Descargas

viner 0.0.2

Vine API

5.442 Descargas

httpalooza 1.0.1

HTTPalooza brings together the best Ruby HTTP clients on one stage.

5.293 Descargas

feels 0.1.2

Wrapper to consume sentiment analysis API.

5.254 Descargas

iodruby 0.0.2

Idol OnDemand Ruby Client

5.142 Descargas

fakemenot 0.1.1

Fakemenot is an simple email validator that checks for DNS as well as uses regex functi...

5.140 Descargas

pinch-api 0.1.1

A simple gem to easily connect to the Inch Housing Intervention Interface

4.986 Descargas

chicago_employees 0.1.1

returns ruby employee objects based on chicago JSON data

4.969 Descargas

sf_data 0.1.2

gets data from SF data portal

4.925 Descargas

pig_sniffer 0.1.1

Finds All Police stations in chicago

4.648 Descargas

chi_business_owners 0.1.1

Look up Chicago business owner data from municipal database.

4.642 Descargas

chicago_divvy_stations 0.1.1

Searches a list of all Divvy stations, their addresses, and dock information through th...

4.617 Descargas

ruby-kong 0.1.1

A Ruby client for the Kong API

4.577 Descargas

josh_weather 0.2.0

Retrieves data from Dark Sky's API

4.570 Descargas

mitch_test_gem_3 0.2.0

It gets the weather forecast.

4.499 Descargas

convert_font 0.0.1

A CLI tool to convert fonts.

4.498 Descargas

mitch_weather 0.2.0

Allows you to get data from the Dark Sky API

4.496 Descargas

chicago_employee 0.1.1

return ruby employee objectws based on chicago JSON data.

4.426 Descargas

petfinder_ruby 0.2.0

Test Gem that assists with interacting with the Petfinder REST API. For a more robust g...

4.420 Descargas

mausamkahaal 0.0.1

Fetches the weather forecast for next 7 days from george-vustrey-weather and mashape api.

4.403 Descargas

sf_film_location_api_wrapper 0.1.1


4.250 Descargas

quip 0.1.0

This is the unofficial Quip API Ruby client library.

4.206 Descargas

chucknorris 0.0.2

A ruby gem which displays random chuck norris jokes

4.186 Descargas

buttermilk_biscuits 0.1.2

I have struggled long and hard to get access to my recipes from the terminal, this is t...

4.099 Descargas

warbler-ruby 1.0

The warbler gem lets you integrate with Warbler to track activities, reward customers a...

3.831 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.122.013

Para esta versión 758.865



Versión de Ruby requerida: ~> 2.0
