RubyGems Navigation menu

uri 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 uri

llm_lib 0.2.1

Gem to invoke API calls to Huggingface and Openai LLMs

2,172 下载

s6kpay 0.5.0

Use with commandline interface. No browsers, no interface, only termi...

2,160 下载

ZOHOCRMSDK2_0_docgo 6.2.0

API client for Zoho CRM - DOCGO FORK of ZOHOCRMSDK2_0

2,048 下载

zyte-client 1.0.6

Ruby library for operating Zyte API.

1,972 下载

speakeasy_ruby_sdk 0.0.5

Speakeasy is your API Platform team as a service. Use our drop in SDK to manage all you...

1,870 下载

s6kpay-client 0.4.0

Allow merchant access to s6kPay APIs to create order/transaction, get transaction infor...

1,735 下载

sourcebin 0.1.0

CLI tool that works with .

1,726 下载

weso 0.1.1

Ruby Websocket Client with the idea of simplicity and efficiency.

1,697 下载

sdk_ruby_apis_efi 1.0.2

A ruby gem for integration of your backend with the payment ser...

1,697 下载

catch-websocket-client 0.0.1

This client sends a request and waits for a response, just like HTTP communication.

1,610 下载

masked_ape_club 0.0.2

Let the apes out and free them from backgrounds. With the goal to bring them to context.

1,586 下载

lontara_utilities 3.1.0

Lontara Utilities provides some utils for your Ruby's project, like RabbitMQ Connection...

1,514 下载

tidal 0.1.1

This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Tidal API, allowing developers to easily in...

1,471 下载

stellate 1.1.0

Add Stellate Metrics Logging and Schema Syncing to your GraphQL Ruby API with a few lin...

1,408 下载


An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease

1,324 下载

decode_xlog 0.2.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

1,128 下载

youtube_url_parser 1.0.1

Parsing of youtube urls

1,113 下载

omg-activesupport 8.0.0.alpha9

A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framew...

1,110 下载

lobbying_disclosure_client 0.0.7

A Ruby wrapper for the Lobbying Disclosure REST API

990 下载

acts_as_avatar 1.8.4


959 下载

picfisher 0.2.3

Reading all the image URLs from a given text file and download them to a given directory.

935 下载

uptriever 0.1.2

Upload documenbts to Trieve

909 下载

bridgetown-webfinger 0.1.0

Adds structured support for Webfinger to Bridgetown sites

874 下载

namecheap-client 0.1.4

A simple Ruby client library for interacting with the [Namecheap API](https://www.namec...

849 下载

jekyll-kroki-tag 0.1.1

text-to-diagram power to Jekyll with

822 下载


An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease

722 下载

simple-openai-client 1.0.5

Very simple Ruby library for operating OpenAI API for building Agents.

682 下载

latest_stock_price 1.0.3

A gem for displaying the latest stock price.

672 下载

discord_webhooks 0.0.1

Gem that allows for easy interface with Discord's webhooks to send messages to server c...

661 下载

fault_tolerant_requests 0.1.0

Send GET requests, retry after incremental delays on failure.

550 下载


下载总量 68,183,461

这个版本 2,043,147



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
