uuidの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はuuidを必要としています
euston-eventstore 1.2.7
Ruby port for Jonathan Oliver's EventStore. See https://github.com/joliver/EventStore f...
98,011 ダウンロード数
euston 1.2.10
Cqrs tooling.
97,738 ダウンロード数
euston 1.2.10
Cqrs tooling.
97,738 ダウンロード数
kelbim 0.3.1
Kelbim is a tool to manage ELB. It defines the state of ELB using DSL, and updates ELB ...
88,457 ダウンロード数
watirmark 5.29.4
Watirmark is an MVC test framework for watir-webdriver
86,260 ダウンロード数
spid-es 0.0.53
SAML toolkit for Ruby programs to integrate with SPID
84,831 ダウンロード数
slugged 2.0.0
Super simple slugs for ActiveRecord 3.0 and higher, with support for slug history
84,452 ダウンロード数
jstp 1.3.6
Reference implementation for the sketch protocol JSTP
84,060 ダウンロード数
sage_pay 1.0.0
This is a Ruby library for integrating with SagePay. SagePay is a payment gateway for a...
82,630 ダウンロード数
uuid_v6 0.1.1
UUID "version 6" implementation in Ruby
81,585 ダウンロード数
eventus 0.6.7
An Event Store
79,597 ダウンロード数
ruby-macrodroid 0.9.21
A macro builder for MacroDroid. #unofficialgem #experimental
79,303 ダウンロード数
diaspora_federation-test 1.1.0
This gem provides some supplimentary code (factory definitions), thathelps to build tes...
74,886 ダウンロード数
A set of Rake tasks and utilities for managing iOS ad-hoc builds
74,751 ダウンロード数
simple-feed 3.2.0
This gem implements flexible time-ordered activity feeds commonly used withing social n...
74,261 ダウンロード数
grooveshark 0.2.14
Unofficial ruby library for consuming the Grooveshark API.
70,505 ダウンロード数
libgss 0.11.0
network library for Groovenauts GSS
70,206 ダウンロード数
smshelper 0.4.12
send sms with multiple gateways, like esendex, bulksms, clickatell etc..
69,858 ダウンロード数
bud 0.9.9
A prototype of the Bloom distributed programming language as a Ruby DSL.
68,617 ダウンロード数
invoicing 1.1.0
This is a framework for generating and displaying invoices (ideal for commercial Rails...
67,878 ダウンロード数
openagent 0.9.9
OpenAgent - SIF ADK (SIF Agent Development Kit)
65,980 ダウンロード数
qswarm 1.0.0
Defines a DSL to allow stream processing from various sources for output to various sinks
65,187 ダウンロード数
activepayment 1.0.0
ActivePayment is an abstraction layer for different Payment-Interfaces (XML, JSON)
65,083 ダウンロード数
mugshot 0.6.3
The basic idea of Mugshot is that you upload the largest/highest quality images possibl...
60,738 ダウンロード数
This gem packages up Kibana 3 into a Sinatra app that can be used stand alone, or with ...
60,489 ダウンロード数
tida_template 0.3.2
Rails Template of Tida App Group
58,641 ダウンロード数
cqm-reports 4.1.3
A library for import and export of reports for use with electronic Clinical Quality Mea...
56,971 ダウンロード数
agcaldav is yet another great Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the ical...
56,669 ダウンロード数
lambdakiq 2.3.0
Scalable Rails Background Processing with AWS Lambda & SQS.
56,058 ダウンロード数
user_trackers 0.1.3
Gem for tracking user's activity on a rails app using mixpanel, intercom, slack and dat...
55,794 ダウンロード数