vault 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 vault
vop 0.3.6
Automation framework with a plugin/command architecture, entities, contributions, filte...
7,661 下载
vaulty 0.1.0
Vault CLI that is based on the Vault Ruby gem
7,349 下载
inspec-vault 0.4.0
This plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by a HashiCorp Vault installation. T...
7,017 下载
vault_api 1.0.2
Ruby Client for the Vault Gem
6,289 下载
vault-ruby-wrapper 0.1.2
A simple hello world gem
5,799 下载
dev/vault bundles all of Hashicorp's platform-specific binaries for Vault and provides ...
5,038 下载
capistrano-vault 0.1.1
Load secret and ssh certificate from Hashicorp Vault
4,018 下载
lambda_vault_auth 0.0.1
A library for authenticating a lambda function against Hashicorp Vault via AWS as an au...
3,721 下载
chatops_deployer 0.1.0
ChatopsDeployer deploys containerized services in isolated VMs and exposes public facin...
3,241 下载
shield-vault 0.1.0
A tool for managing your application's environment variables in a Vault.
3,048 下载
bosh-openssl 0.0.1
Short description.
3,035 下载
jerakia-datasource-vault 0.1.0
Jerakia datasource plugin for vault
2,630 下载
hiera-vault-less-noise 0.3.0
Hiera backend for looking up secrets stored in Vault
2,486 下载
kashi-vault 0.1.0
Secret provider to expand secret variable of Kashi.
2,393 下载
ae_vault 0.1.0
Scripts to verify / resolve secret manifest
2,388 下载
simnos-vault 0.1.0
Secret provider to expand secret variable of Simnos.
2,257 下载
vault-consul 0.1.2
Parse your yaml config file with consul/ vault variables
2,055 下载