RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para virtus La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren virtus

telegram_bot 0.0.8

Still in development. Simple client for Telegram's Bot API

35.485 Descargas

take 0.0.15

Manage your C projects better.

35.483 Descargas

super_tools 3.0.1

Rails 開發環境常用工具 Forms/Process/Spreadsheet

35.173 Descargas

pp-adaptive 1.0.0

Provides complete access to PayPal's Adaptive Payments API

34.318 Descargas

pencil_pusher 1.0.0

Form builder and validator

34.249 Descargas

bbc_redux 0.4.13

A gem to help navigate the BBC Redux API

34.040 Descargas

archivist-client 0.2.4

archivist-client queries for book data and downloads some things.

34.033 Descargas

orcid 0.9.1

A Rails engine for integration.

33.971 Descargas

global_registry_models 0.14.0

Provides data models for interacting with the Global Registry. Built ontop of the clien...

33.304 Descargas

trellor 2.0.9

Gem to read and write to Trello, plus a terminal interface.

32.741 Descargas

muffins 0.0.7

An Object to XML/HTML mapping library using Virtus and Nokogiri

32.581 Descargas

fizzy-api 0.1.5

Provides authenticated access to fizzy utilities

32.571 Descargas

redtape 1.0.2

A handy dandy way to avoid using #accepts_nested_attributes_for

32.484 Descargas

activerecord_csv_importer 0.3.0

A modified version of CSV Import using activerecord-import

32.258 Descargas

justimmo_client 0.6.9

API client for Justimmo

32.042 Descargas

covalence 0.9.9

A tool for the management and orchestration of data used by HashiCorp infrastructure to...

31.981 Descargas

the86-client 1.3.2

Client for The 86 conversation API server

31.916 Descargas

mtg_sdk 3.2.1

Magic: The Gathering SDK is a wrapper around the MTG API located at

31.347 Descargas

memorydb 0.0.10

An in memory database

31.079 Descargas

data_broker 0.5.0

A simplified implementation of the data mapper pattern

30.429 Descargas

discoverer 0.0.3

Discoverer functionality with focus in writers and readers

30.295 Descargas

wordtree 0.5.0

WordTree common library code

29.253 Descargas

dotloop 0.1.12

Ruby library for Dotloop API.

28.922 Descargas

ezapi_client 1.2.1

Ruby wrapper for EZAPI

28.508 Descargas

newgistics 2.5.0

Ruby API client for Newgistics

28.461 Descargas

jeckle 0.3.1

Simple module for building client APIs

28.458 Descargas

syrup_form_object 0.0.11

Form Objects for ActiveRecord

28.352 Descargas

g5_integrations_updatable 0.1.0

Retrieves and stores integration models from g5-integrations-dashboard.

28.252 Descargas

rtasklib 0.2.4

A Ruby wrapper around the TaskWarrior CLI. Requires a TaskWarrior install version 2.4.0...

28.076 Descargas

bitreserve 1.2.3

A wrapper for the bitreserve API

28.061 Descargas

Total de descargas 93.412.203

Para esta versión 19.029.129



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0
