RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para virtus La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren virtus

busbar-cli 1.9.4

A CLI for Busbar

21.216 Descargas

medlink 0.4.1

Medlink API ruby client

21.200 Descargas

search-kit 0.0.10

Build simple and powerful search quickly

20.886 Descargas

email_events 1.0

Supports handling incoming events for SES/SNS or Sendgrid

20.493 Descargas

activecommand 0.3.1

ActiveCommand adds the ability to use the command pattern commonly seen in CQRS.

20.383 Descargas

e_way_client 2.1.0

Ruby wrapper for eWAY's API

20.270 Descargas

trample_search 0.18.5

Abstraction on top of searchkick to handle form inputs easily

19.941 Descargas

standalone_validator 0.2.3

A library for creating PORO validators that are composable and can be used with Act...

19.853 Descargas

stattleship-ruby 0.1.30

Connect to and retrieve sports data from the Stattleship API

19.503 Descargas

kanpachi 0.0.7

Provides a DSL to describe your web API, generate documentation, and will eventually he...

19.458 Descargas

activerecord-view 0.1.0

SQL views with ActiveRecord

19.370 Descargas

threatinator 0.2.1

Threatinator is a library and tool for parsing threat data feeds.

19.102 Descargas

blueberry_redirector 0.1.7

Description of BlueberryRedirector.

18.809 Descargas

ixtlan-user-management 0.3.1

helper for managing users with login/password via local db or remote rest-services

18.596 Descargas

openbill-ruby 0.1.11

This gem helps to use openbill-core

18.584 Descargas

virtus_model 0.4.0

A practical and pleasant union of Virtus and ActiveModel.

18.521 Descargas

faat 0.1.7

Gem Faat kills your fat models.

18.419 Descargas

shelby-arena-api 0.3.2

Ruby gem/plugin to interact with the Shelby Arena API. Checkout the project on github f...

17.387 Descargas

fetcher-microdata-twitter 0.0.6

Fetcher Microdata adapter for Twitter

17.172 Descargas

mooset 0.0.9

Ruby library and client for user migration.

17.095 Descargas

cnf 1.6.2

Fetches stack configuration

17.095 Descargas

wercker_api 1.0.8

interact with wercker API, Deeper integration with wercker.

16.878 Descargas

imperator 0.2.1

Imperator is a small gem to help with command objects. The command pattern is a design ...

16.590 Descargas

domainr 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the Domainr API

16.410 Descargas

g5-jobbing 0.1.0

Uses the g5-jobs service to manage and organize jobs.

16.359 Descargas

undo-serializer-active_model 0.2.2

ActiveModel serializer for Undo gem. Does not require anything from Rails so is friendl...

16.352 Descargas

imperator-ext 0.2.4

Factories, Macros, REST helpers and Mongoid integration

16.352 Descargas

geogle 0.3.5

Ruby wrapper for Google MAPS API V3 geocode interface

16.342 Descargas

task_rb 0.4.0

Task provides a toolbox for generating, tracking and serializing tasks to be performed.

16.307 Descargas

exact 0.1.6

Exact API handler

16.014 Descargas

Total de descargas 93.620.044

Para esta versión 19.192.655



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0
