webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock
gitlab-fog-google 1.14.0
This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...
1,647,065 下載
proxycrawl 1.0.2
Ruby based client for the ProxyCrawl API that helps developers crawl or scrape thousand...
1,590,532 下載
truemail 3.3.1
Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator. Verify email via Regex, DNS...
1,568,755 下載
MailchimpTransactional 1.0.59
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API
1,562,046 下載
elastic-enterprise-search 8.9.0
Official API client for Elastic Enterprise Search APIs.
1,559,558 下載
gemcutter 0.7.1
Provides the `gem yank` and `gem webhook` commands to RubyGems.
1,550,255 下載
krane 3.6.2
A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...
1,545,110 下載
snapshot 2.0.0
Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS and tvOS apps on every device
1,533,461 下載
mrkt 1.2.2
This gem helps you to use the Marketo REST API
1,500,422 下載
testrail-ruby 0.1.02
A Ruby client wrapper for the TestRail API (v2)
1,497,910 下載
presto-client 0.6.6
Presto client library
1,472,041 下載
prerender_rails 1.11.0
Rails middleware to prerender your javascript heavy pages on the fly by a phantomjs ser...
1,471,627 下載
govuk_publishing_components 44.10.0
A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications
1,468,658 下載
adyen-ruby-api-library 9.9.0
Official Adyen API Library for Ruby. Simplifies integrating with the Adyen API,\ inc...
1,450,667 下載
klarna_proxy 0.9.3
Provides a Ruby interface to the current Klarna API, forked and inspired by https://rub...
1,430,626 下載
deliver 2.0.1
Upload screenshots, metadata and your app to the App Store using a single command
1,401,134 下載
csvlint 1.4.0
CSV Validator
1,398,771 下載
slack-notify 0.6.0
Send notifications to a Slack channel
1,397,623 下載
ruby-lokalise-api 9.2.0
Opinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...
1,383,606 下載
ember-rails 0.21.0
Ember for Rails 3.1+
1,377,723 下載
circleci 2.1.0
Ruby gem for Circle CI REST API
1,377,452 下載
blockscore 4.2.1
BlockScore makes ID verification easier and faster. See https://blockscore.com for more.
1,365,216 下載
elastic-workplace-search 0.4.1
API client for accessing the Elastic Workplace Search API with no dependencies.
1,329,609 下載
persistent_httparty 0.1.2
Persistent HTTP connections for HTTParty using the persistent_http gem. Keep the party ...
1,313,451 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-gruf 0.2.1
Gruf instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
1,312,706 下載
qbo_api 3.0.3
Ruby JSON-only client for QuickBooks Online API v3. Built on top of the Faraday gem.
1,307,477 下載
fedex 3.10.11
Provides an interface to Fedex Web Services
1,282,016 下載
soapforce 0.8.0
A ruby client for the Salesforce SOAP API based on Savon.
1,280,439 下載
qiniu 6.9.1
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Ruby. See: http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/sd...
1,270,857 下載
logstash-output-datadog_logs 0.5.1
DatadogLogs lets you send logs to Datadog based on LogStash events.
1,245,149 下載