RubyGems Navigation menu

webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock

cfoundry 4.7.1

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.

1,042,628 下載

messagebird-rest 4.0.0

A simple REST API for MessageBird in Ruby

1,018,484 下載

fuelsdk 0.1.11

Fuel SDK for Ruby

1,006,561 下載

net 0.3.3

Retrieves information for Twitter users

997,411 下載

geckoboard-ruby 0.4.0

Ruby client library for Geckoboard

994,416 下載

doorkeeper-grants_assertion 0.3.1

Assertion grant extension for Doorkeeper.

980,095 下載

cms_scanner 0.14.3

Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners

973,621 下載

quaderno 3.0.1

A ruby wrapper for Quaderno API

962,264 下載

unsplash 3.1.1

Ruby wrapper for the Unsplash API.

955,442 下載

mediawiki_api 0.9.0

Uses adapter-agnostic Faraday gem to talk to MediaWiki API.

954,656 下載

bamboozled 0.3.0

Bamboozled wraps the BambooHR API without the use of Rails dependencies.

948,163 下載

chatwork 1.0.0

ChatWork is cloud-based business chat tool

945,781 下載

logstash-output-newrelic 1.5.2

Sends Logstash events to New Relic

941,344 下載

pem 2.0.0

Automatically generate and renew your push notification profiles

940,050 下載

shippo 4.0.0

A gem for connecting with over 20 shipping carriers and consolidators via a single inte...

932,860 下載

google_distance_matrix 0.7.0

Ruby client for The Google Distance Matrix API

929,878 下載

dwolla_v2 4.0.0

Dwolla V2 Ruby client

923,870 下載

sparql-client 3.3.0

Executes SPARQL queries and updates against a remote SPARQL 1.0 or 1.1 endpoint, ...

920,657 下載

bosh_cli_plugin_aws 1.3262.24.0

BOSH plugin to easily create and delete an AWS VPC

913,838 下載

cert 2.0.0

Create new iOS code signing certificates

909,192 下載

tddium_client 0.6.5

Internal Gem used to call the Tddium API

908,372 下載

chargehound 2.5.0

Automatically fight disputes

906,596 下載

gmo 0.5.7

Ruby client library for the GMO Payment Platform.

906,104 下載

yelp 2.1.5

Provides an easy way to interact with the Yelp API in any kind of application

904,937 下載

produce 2.0.0

Create new iOS apps on iTunes Connect and Dev Portal using the command line

903,411 下載

fullcontact 0.18.0

A Ruby wrapper for the FullContact API

901,378 下載

cloudfront-rails 0.4.0

Whitelist Cloudfront Proxies for Rails so that request.ip and request.remote_ip work pr...

898,648 下載

percy-client 2.1.1


889,196 下載

omniauth-amazon 1.0.1

Login with Amazon OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

878,470 下載

rubyzoho 0.5.0

A set of Ruby classes supporting the ActiveRecord lifecycle for the Zoho CRM API.

864,587 下載

總下載次數 284,674,687

這個版本 1,486,351




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
