webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock
frameit 4.0.0
Quickly put your screenshots into the right device frames
864,448 下載
supply 1.0.0
Command line tool for updating Android apps and their metadata on the Google Play Store
857,567 下載
miasma-open-stack 0.1.4
Smoggy OpenStack API
856,422 下載
github-authentication 1.1.0
Authenticate with GitHub
855,901 下載
miasma-rackspace 0.1.2
Smoggy Rackspace API
853,289 下載
jipcode 3.1.5
A gem for Japan Post's official zipcode data search & update.
846,617 下載
alchemy_cms 7.3.3
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
842,102 下載
omniauth-yahoojp 0.2.1
Official OmniAuth strategy for Yahoo! JAPAN.
841,555 下載
google_sign_in 1.2.1
Sign in (or up) with Google for Rails applications
836,918 下載
rhc 1.38.7
The client tools for the OpenShift platform that allow for application management.
832,857 下載
papertrail 0.11.2
Command-line client for Papertrail hosted log management service. Tails and searches ap...
831,014 下載
pusher-push-notifications 2.0.2
Pusher Push Notifications Ruby server SDK
830,092 下載
nexus 1.5.2
Adds a command to RubyGems for uploading gems to a nexus server.
820,820 下載
ap 0.1.1
Ruby gem for interfacing with the Associated Press Breaking News API
812,155 下載
sensu-extensions-check-dependencies 1.1.0
Filter events when an event already exists for a defined check dependency
803,203 下載
salesforcebulk 4.0.4
This gem is a simple interface to the Salesforce Bulk API providing full support for in...
796,689 下載
miasma-azure 0.1.4
Smoggy Azure API
789,799 下載
miasma-google 0.1.0
Smoggy Google API
782,834 下載
fluent-plugin-vmware-log-intelligence 2.0.8
Send Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence
774,752 下載
parse-ruby-client 0.3.0
A simple Ruby client for the parse.com REST API
759,533 下載
ruby-egnyte 0.1.6
Ruby client for Egnyte Public API
758,784 下載
fake_stripe 0.3.0
An implementation of the Stripe credit card processing service to run during your integ...
750,441 下載
facebook-messenger 2.0.1
Facebook Messenger client
745,053 下載
apiaryio 0.17.0
Apiary.io CLI
732,409 下載
crowdin-api 1.12.0
The Crowdin Ruby Client is used to interact with the Crowdin API from Ruby
720,773 下載
contentful_model 1.3.0
An ActiveModel-like wrapper for the Contentful SDKs
720,493 下載
bolognese 2.2.0
Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...
715,462 下載
geoip2 0.0.3
Integration with MaxMind GeoIP2 API
714,469 下載
chrome_remote 0.3.0
ChromeRemote is a client implementation of the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Ruby
707,767 下載
faraday-digestauth 0.4.1
Faraday extension to enable digest auth
706,233 下載