RubyGems Navigation menu

webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock

sensu-extensions-deregistration 1.0.0

The Sensu Core built-in deregistration handler

702,453 下載

thor-scmversion 1.7.0

Thor tasks to manage a VERSION file based on SCM tags

697,083 下載

omnibus 9.0.24

Omnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds.

687,967 下載

blockcypher-ruby 0.2.7

Ruby library to help you build your crypto application on BlockCypher

687,941 下載

cb-api 23.2.1

Ruby wrapper for Careerbuilder Public API.

681,553 下載

screengrab 1.0.0

Automated localized screenshots of your Android app on every device

680,772 下載

hackerrank 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper to the HackerRank V2 API

671,855 下載

edmunds 0.0.8

Gem to wrap API

665,981 下載

vanity 4.0.4

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

665,663 下載

canvas_webex 0.18.2

Canvas WebEx is an Cisco Webex plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows teacher...

665,222 下載

wpscan 3.8.27

WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.

658,410 下載

fhir_client 6.0.0

A Gem for handling FHIR client requests in ruby

654,254 下載

zuora_api 1.12.1

Gem that provides easy integration to Zuora

644,993 下載

wikidata-client 0.1.0

Wikidata API client

640,244 下載

googl 0.7.1

Small library for Google URL Shortener API

639,607 下載

signalfx 3.2.0

This is a programmatic interface in Ruby for SignalFx's metadata and ingest APIs. It is...

637,670 下載

candy_check 0.6.0

Check and verify in-app receipts

635,029 下載

jenkins_pipeline_builder 1.10.0

This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Pipeline generator with features focused on au...

633,831 下載

omniauth-bitbucket 0.0.2

OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket.

623,681 下載

omniauth-keycloak 1.5.2

Omniauth strategy for Keycloak

623,411 下載

refile-s3 0.2.0

Amazon S3 backend for the Refile gem

621,686 下載

slimmer 18.6.2

Rack middleware for skinning pages using a specific template

620,683 下載

pincers 1.0.0

Web automation DSL on top of webdriver and nokogiri

619,023 下載

ocean-rails 8.2.0

== Ocean Ocean is an application template and an architecture for creating server-orie...

618,079 下載

braze_ruby 0.9.0

Wrapper for Braze API

615,271 下載

oa-oauth 0.3.2

OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.

612,538 下載

rocket_pants 1.13.1

Rocket Pants adds JSON API love to Rails and ActionController, making it simpler to bui...

610,817 下載

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

597,990 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes-objects 1.2.3

A Fluentd input plugin for collecting Kubernetes objects, e.g. pods, namespaces, events...

593,738 下載

rest-client-components 1.5.0

RestClient on steroids ! Easily add one or more Rack middleware around RestClient to ad...

592,787 下載

總下載次數 284,704,414

這個版本 1,497,184




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
