webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock
solr_wrapper 4.1.0
Solr service wrapper
590,963 下載
dynamic_sitemaps 2.0.0
Dynamic Sitemaps is a plugin for Ruby on Rails that enables you to easily create flexib...
582,670 下載
dependabot-pub 0.283.0
Dependabot-Pub provides support for bumping Dart (pub) packages via Dependabot. If you ...
582,487 下載
image_info 1.2.2
ImageInfo finds the size and type of a single or multiple images from the web by fetchi...
581,540 下載
slack-ruby-bot 0.16.1
The easiest way to write a Slack bot in Ruby.
581,475 下載
transloadit 3.0.2
The transloadit gem allows you to automate uploading files through the Transloadit REST...
578,517 下載
growthbook 1.3.0
Official GrowthBook SDK for Ruby
576,870 下載
zapier_ruby 1.0.1
Simple gem to integrate Zapier webhooks with a Ruby project.
575,527 下載
omniauth-azure-activedirectory 1.0.0
Allows developers to authenticate to AAD
571,865 下載
jekyll-twitter-plugin 2.1.0
A Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll blogging engine that embeds Tweets, Timelines and more f...
566,278 下載
finapps 6.13.1
A simple library for communicating with the FinApps REST API.
564,890 下載
academic_benchmarks 1.1.3
A ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...
563,849 下載
timber 3.0.1
Log Better. Solve Problems Faster. https://timber.io
562,754 下載
omniauth-jira 0.2.0
A JIRA OAuth 1.0a strategy for OmniAuth.
561,850 下載
ruby-box 1.15.0
ruby gem for box.com 2.0 api
559,030 下載
ibm_watson 2.2.0
Official client library to use the IBM Watson Services
558,558 下載
cf 5.4.7
Friendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
558,416 下載
test_track_rails_client 7.1.2
Easy split testing and feature flagging for Rails with TestTrack server
554,137 下載
ibm_cloud_sdk_core 1.3.0
Official IBM Cloud SDK core library
551,841 下載
vmc 0.5.1
Friendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
551,236 下載
rdf-tabular 3.3.0
RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.
548,679 下載
adal 1.0.0
Windows Azure Active Directory authentication client library
544,550 下載
oauth2-client 2.0.0
Create quick and dirty OAuth2 clients
544,491 下載
vericite_api 1.5.3
VeriCite Api
542,035 下載
amplitude-experiment 1.5.0
Amplitude Experiment Ruby Server SDK
537,151 下載
minitest-vcr 1.4.0
I like MiniTest. I like VCR. I like not having to manage cassetes.
535,072 下載
rspec-testrail 0.1.2
rspec-testrail help you update statuses in TestRail app
534,360 下載
hypernova 2.0.0
[deprecated] A Ruby client for the Hypernova service
528,228 下載
contentful_middleman 4.2.0
Load blog posts and other managed content into Middleman
525,547 下載
oa-openid 0.3.2
OpenID strategies for OmniAuth.
524,546 下載