webmock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 webmock
next_rails 1.4.2
A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date
5,531,062 下載
sorcery 0.17.0
Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...
5,470,516 下載
appium_lib_core 9.2.1
Minimal Ruby library for Appium.
5,412,462 下載
bitly 3.0.0
Use the Bitly API version 4 to shorten or expand URLs. Check out the API documentation ...
5,383,260 下載
aws-xray-sdk 0.16.0
The AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby enables Ruby developers to record and emit information from ...
5,193,355 下載
isolator 1.1.0
Detect non-atomic interactions within DB transactions
5,172,050 下載
jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3
Jekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme
5,139,998 下載
gh 0.18.0
multi-layer client for the github api v3
5,134,963 下載
customerio 5.3.0
A ruby client for the Customer.io event API.
5,104,997 下載
optimizely-sdk 5.0.1
A Ruby SDK for use with Optimizely Feature Experimentation, Optimizely Full Stack (lega...
5,088,686 下載
sauce_whisk 0.3.2
A Wrapper for the Sauce Labs REST API.
4,996,177 下載
sendgrid-actionmailer 3.2.0
Use ActionMailer with SendGrid's Web API.
4,867,430 下載
fluent-plugin-google-cloud 0.13.2
Fluentd plugins for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable in th...
4,743,200 下載
clearbit 0.3.3
API client for clearbit.com
4,694,524 下載
carrot-top 0.0.7
A Ruby library for querying the RabbitMQ Management API, `top` for RabbitMQ.
4,511,849 下載
splitclient-rb 8.4.0
Ruby client for using split SDK.
4,504,659 下載
splitclient-rb 8.4.0
Ruby client for using split SDK.
4,504,659 下載
contentful 2.17.1
Ruby client for the https://www.contentful.com Content Delivery API
4,446,049 下載
logstash-output-pagerduty 3.0.9
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
4,206,812 下載
libhoney 2.4.0
Ruby gem for sending data to Honeycomb
4,094,648 下載
sift 4.5.0
Sift Science Ruby API. Please see http://siftscience.com for more details.
4,075,958 下載
google_places 2.0.0
This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API for use in your own proje...
4,070,552 下載
hubspot-api-client 19.0.0
HubSpot Ruby API client
3,902,036 下載
docusign_esign 5.0.0
The Docusign package makes integrating Docusign into your apps and websites a super fas...
3,900,311 下載
bugsnag-api 3.0.0
Bugsnag API toolkit for ruby
3,881,177 下載
mixpanel_client 5.1.0
Simple ruby client interface to the Mixpanel Data API.
3,812,358 下載
cronitor 5.2.0
An interface for the Cronitor API
3,802,132 下載
discourse_api 2.0.1
Discourse API
3,781,524 下載
pwned 2.4.1
Tools to use the Pwned Passwords API.
3,732,920 下載
honeycomb-beeline 3.1.0
Instrument your Ruby apps with Honeycomb
3,696,034 下載