RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour will_paginate Latest version of the following gems require will_paginate

dry_admin 0.1.3

DRYAdmin is a mountable Ruby on Rails engine that will create an instant backend for al...

8 002 Téléchargements

radiant-people-extension 1.1.0

A generic and extendable way to manage people in Radiant CMS

7 984 Téléchargements


Skyline is an extremely flexible and expandable open source content management system. ...

7 939 Téléchargements

crud 0.1.0

Performs CRUD operations by reflection

7 926 Téléchargements

rails_backend 0.0.1

A customizable backend admin system for Ruby on Rails.

7 849 Téléchargements

custom_report 0.0.2

Use CustomReports to get a good quick glipse into your application data.

7 838 Téléchargements

thorsson_thinking-sphinx 2.0

A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...

7 801 Téléchargements

gorg_engine 1.2.4

Rails Engine for Gorg apps

7 786 Téléchargements


A really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news plugin designed for integration...

7 769 Téléchargements

My-Commerce_core 1.1.0

Required dependancy for My-Commerce

7 674 Téléchargements

will_paginate_twitter_bootstrap 1.0.0

Make will_paginate and Bootstrap, from Twitter work together.

7 609 Téléchargements

roda-will_paginate 0.0.4

Plugin to integrate Will Paginate with the Roda framework

7 578 Téléchargements

seo_unpakt 1.0.5

Haiku Descriptions What is their reason after all? ...

7 564 Téléchargements

rails-bootstrap-ui 0.0.2

Rails 3.1 gem that installs Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JS files, patches for will_pagina...

7 405 Téléchargements

agi_active_model_serializers 0.10.9

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

7 392 Téléchargements

grindstone 0.1.0

Build a custom blog in seconds!

7 336 Téléchargements


The Forge CMS dependency gem Ruby 1.9.

7 326 Téléchargements

spud_admin 0.2.0

Spud Admin Panel Engine

7 198 Téléchargements

pgq_web 0.0.2

Web interface for pgq gem. Inspect pgq and londiste queues

7 031 Téléchargements

adva 0.2.3

Adva CMS

6 994 Téléchargements

beyond_the_api 0.1

API patterns over Rails API.

6 992 Téléchargements

will_paginate-bootstrap5 0.2.4

Hooks into will_paginate to format the html to match Twitter Bootstrap 5 styling.

6 904 Téléchargements


The Forge CMS dependency gem for Ruby 2.0.

6 889 Téléchargements

cylons 0.0.2

Collective intelligence meets service oriented architecture. Allows your remote models ...

6 709 Téléchargements

intermodal 0.4.0

DSL for top-level, nested, linked CRUD resource endpoints; DSL for Presenters and Accep...

6 684 Téléchargements

has_mailbox 1.5.5

This gem allowing each user to send and receive private messages

6 570 Téléchargements

mechanize-store 0.0.2

With mechanize store you already have implemented Product, ProductPhoto, ProductCategor...

6 427 Téléchargements

rails-bootstrap-widgets 0.0.2

Set of helpers that define widget methods for usage in a views.

6 422 Téléchargements

guara 0.0.3

Base Enterprise Application

6 421 Téléchargements

advanced_scaffold 0.0.1

Advanced scaffolding with pagination, ajax, search, namespaces

6 251 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 84 291 062

Pour cette version 405 715

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0
