Dépendances inversées pour will_paginate Latest version of the following gems require will_paginate
cb_mongoid_spacial 0.2.16
mongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...
4 705 Téléchargements
mongoid-with-auth 1.9.4
Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby. Th...
4 689 Téléchargements
radiant-rails3 0.1
A fork from the Radiant rails3 branch, based on Radiant 0.9.2a version
4 688 Téléchargements
mongomapper-search 0.0.1
Easily integreate mongo mapper with enterprise search like solr
4 675 Téléchargements
joshcutler-thinking-sphinx 1.3.18
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
4 653 Téléchargements
will_paginate-bootstrap-large 0.0.1
This gem integrates the Twitter Bootstrap [LARGE]pagination component with the will_pag...
4 640 Téléchargements
will_paginate-without-text 0.0.1
This gem integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with the will_paginate p...
4 626 Téléchargements
wego-friendly 0.5.1
Fork of Friendly. Uses the C extension variant of the JSON gem instead of the pure ruby...
4 603 Téléchargements
universe-rails 0.1.1
gem install universe-rails
4 477 Téléchargements
sskirby-mongoid 1.9.1
Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
4 470 Téléchargements
Transparent support for pagination using WillPaginate with POX (Plain Old Xml) and Acti...
4 450 Téléchargements
simple_search_like 0.1.0
Simple hash-based search for ActiveRecord. Also see Scoped Search.
4 443 Téléchargements
knuverse-knufactor 0.0.2
KnuVerse Knufactor Ruby SDK
4 424 Téléchargements
younker-blog 0.0.1
A blog app
4 363 Téléchargements
somatics3 0.0.10
Somatics3 is a collection of generators and extensions which reduces the effort of buil...
4 326 Téléchargements
unigems 0.0.1
gem collection for mongo and will_paginate
4 316 Téléchargements
reduced_fat_crm 0.14.0
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
4 312 Téléchargements
bootstrap_pagination 1.0.2
Bootstrap button pagination for ruby on rails, to be used with will_paginate
4 260 Téléchargements
looking_for 0.2.0
Simple ajax search form
4 256 Téléchargements
rfcommerce_core 0.0.3
Required dependancy for Rfcommerce
4 243 Téléchargements
ng_will_paginate 0.3.1
Allows you to incorporate will_paginate into an Angular on Ruby on Rails app.
4 179 Téléchargements
ordinalizatron 0.0.1
Adds each_with_ordinal_number iterator to collections.
4 176 Téléchargements
Implements JSON API 1.0 - data, errors, meta, pagination, sort, filters, sparse fieldse...
4 145 Téléchargements
resting_pug 0.1.1
Resting Pug allows you to create a JSON API with just adding one line to your controlle...
4 001 Téléchargements
adva_cms 0.0.1
Adva CMS
3 977 Téléchargements
sig_mongoid_spacial 0.2.17
mongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...
3 975 Téléchargements
sidekiq-monitor 0.0.2
Tracks jobs enqueued, average duration and etc.
3 959 Téléchargements
pagoid 0.0.1
Standardize paging abstraction
3 872 Téléchargements
ajax_forms 0.0.16
Allow search and fast creation of records in selectors (by select2 plugin) in ActiveAdm...
3 677 Téléchargements
usefull_attachment 1.0.0
Describe Gem Here
3 655 Téléchargements