RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour will_paginate Latest version of the following gems require will_paginate

flickr-objects 0.6.3

This gem is an object-oriented wrapper for the Flickr API.

45 971 Téléchargements

paginated_table 0.0.9

Provides AJAX paginated, sorted tables in rails with will_paginate and arel

45 754 Téléchargements

controller_scaffolding 1.4.4

Creates controller and extended scaffolding for the model specified.

44 525 Téléchargements

chupakabra_tools 0.0.22

Chupakbara Tools Set for Easy Life

44 298 Téléchargements

make_restful 0.1.13

Enables rest on a resource

43 772 Téléchargements

rails_workflow 0.7.3

Rails engine allowing to configure and manage business processes in rails including...

43 721 Téléchargements

queryko 2.0.9

This gem provides additional functionality on your query objects. It will filter and pa...

43 634 Téléchargements

loose_change 1.0.0

ActiveModel-compliant CouchDB ORM

43 409 Téléchargements

will_paginate_infinite 0.1.3

Will Paginate with infinite scroll

42 886 Téléchargements

pox_paginate 0.2.5

Transparent support for pagination using WillPaginate with POX (Plain Old Xml) and Acti...

41 531 Téléchargements

blog-gem 0.1.20

Blog Tool for the Shubbl Homepage

41 254 Téléchargements

hierapolis-rails 1.1.3

This gem using to  integrate hierapolis theme  on rails project.

41 072 Téléchargements

will_paginate_semantic_ui 2.1.0

Integrates the Semantic UI pagination component with will_paginate

40 561 Téléchargements

citygate 0.1.1

Citygate is an Engine that provides user model with sign up and log in, admin backend f...

40 423 Téléchargements

elastic_queue 0.1.0

A library for storing and filtering documents on elastic search with a queue paradigm f...

39 867 Téléchargements

exception_notification_server 0.0.11

Gem that receive errors from exception_notification gem and show it grouped on pages

39 763 Téléchargements


Manages the delivery of mailable items. Handles contacts, mailing lists, bounces, unsub...

39 662 Téléchargements

webroar 0.7.0

WebROaR is an application server that makes deployments of ruby web applications extrem...

38 849 Téléchargements

rails-toolkit 8.04.1

The Rails toolkit is a bunch of dependencies that pulls in all the gems typically used ...

38 522 Téléchargements

simple_jsonapi_rails 1.3.0

A library for integrating SimpleJsonapi into a Rails application.

38 289 Téléchargements

customized-mongomapper-search 1.0.3

Easily integrate Mongo Mapper with with Solr search. Please view the CHANGELOG file fo...

38 147 Téléchargements

catptcha 0.1.6

Choose the kitten!

37 868 Téléchargements

rivendell-import 1.04

Import sound in our Rivendell system

37 232 Téléchargements

mongoid_misc 0.0.11

Extensions for Mongoid

36 797 Téléchargements

homesteading_publisher 0.2.4

A generic Rails Engine that all HS-* post type publisher apps build on top of.

36 640 Téléchargements


Email newsletter templating and management system which allows a designer to develop te...

36 122 Téléchargements

exception_logger 0.2.0

This library provides basic functionality for recording error logs during project execu...

35 597 Téléchargements

kryptonite 0.1.0

Kryptonite is an open-source CMS for Ruby on Rails, originally developed by Spoiled Mil...

35 265 Téléchargements


The Forge CMS dependency gem.

34 855 Téléchargements

ditty 0.11.1

Sinatra Based Application Framework

34 834 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 82 168 511

Pour cette version 74 039



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0
