RubyGems Navigation menu

will_paginate 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 will_paginate

jap_mag 1.5.2

JapMag is a collection of frequently-used Rails controller methods and helpers.

34,400 下载

flexmls_api 0.7.5

The FlexmlsApi gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the flexmls A...

33,393 下载

gems-cli 0.1.11

Search from the command line. Then you can copy formatted gem details for ...

32,882 下载

easy_admin 0.4.2

Common Admin maintenance screens

32,512 下载

inherited_views 0.0.2

InheritedViews brings the DRY principle to the controller and view layers within Rails ...

32,418 下载


Part of MokshaCms, providing core functionality, including internationalization

31,886 下载

tumblrb 2.0.3

A simple blogging platform built on Tumblr and Redis

31,385 下载

homeland 1.0.1

A new style forum for tiny community as Rails Engine. You can mount this in you apps.

31,011 下载

bootstrap2-rails 0.0.7

This is a scaffold replacement with a Twitter Bootstrap look

30,966 下载

zable 0.1.0

HTML searching, sorting and pagination made dead simple

30,823 下载

gembox 0.2.3

A sinatra based interface for browsing and admiring your gems.

30,211 下载

crudify 0.0.7

Crudify is a dynamic resource controller for Rails 3. The idea is skinny controllers wi...

29,638 下载

hal_presenter 1.7.0

A DSL for serializing resources according to HypertextApplicationLanguage.

29,627 下载

tartarus 2.3

Provides exception logging and a generator for creating a clean interface to manage exc...

29,619 下载

tj_bootstrap_helper 0.1.0

Tony Jian's Bootstrap helpers.

29,374 下载

g_already_grid 1.1.0

A Guilded Rails component that generates a rich grid control from an ActiveRecord.

28,698 下载

standard_view 0.1.17

Use Bootstrap to present a nicely standardized view for your models.

28,302 下载

redis_monitor 0.3.3

Get general information of a running redis instance

28,239 下载

mokio 2.0.8

Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...

27,575 下载

somatics3-generators 0.0.10

Somatics 3 generators is used to generate a resource with skeleton admin panel

27,572 下载

acts_as_paginable 0.4.0

Filter records by passing params to a controller. No need to modify the model anymore.

27,362 下载


A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...

27,221 下载

grandstand 0.3.0

Grandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of...

27,215 下载

grandstand 0.3.0

Grandstand is a simple blog and photo gallery application. It takes a minimal amount of...

27,215 下载

pages_core 3.15.4

Pages Core

27,210 下载

gdpr_rails 0.5.1

policy_manager engine for rails gdpr compliance

26,897 下载

squeezer 0.2.1

an appliaction ready to run

26,717 下载

solr_mapper 0.1.91

Object Document Mapper for the Apache Foundation's Solr search platform

26,687 下载

ndr_error 2.3.1

Mountable engine for exception logging and fingerprinting

26,660 下载

cheap_ams 0.10.11

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

26,643 下载

下载总量 82,078,228

这个版本 63,289



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
