RubyGems Navigation menu

will_paginate 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 will_paginate

governor_thinking_sphinx 0.1.4

A plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that adds ThinkingSphinx search...

18,477 下载

mongoid_data_table 0.1.4

Simple data preparation from Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin

18,380 下载

bs-helper 0.1.4

This is a gem that wraps some components of bootstrap, pnotify and bootbox. It aims to ...

18,156 下载

locomotivecms_builder 1.0.0.alpha8

The LocomotiveCMS builder is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine

18,120 下载

integral 2.0.0

Building a professional website on Rails has never been easier. Create fascinating blog...

17,957 下载

admin_views 0.3

Rails generator to create admin scaffolding with searching and sorting for models

17,851 下载

haml_scaffold 1.1.0

Rails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERB, and various other improvements.

17,747 下载


A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...

17,705 下载

usefull_table 1.0.9

Table Helper with Excel export, inline editing and monitoring funxtions

17,662 下载

rtc_datatable 0.0.6

Rich Table Component with advanced search, export file, and generate recapitulation

17,626 下载

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,612 下载

skylinecms 3.3.0

Skyline is an extremely flexible and expandable open source content management system. ...

17,501 下载

stenographer-rails 0.7.4

Cleaner, Happier, Easier Changelogs in Rails

17,487 下载

ui_changed 0.0.6

Rails plugin for crawling domains for detecting differences in the UI

17,258 下载

darjeelink 0.14.6

URL Shortener

17,043 下载

calagator 1.1.0

Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

16,796 下载

saasaparilla 0.2.2

Simple SAAS through

16,302 下载

trollied 0.1.4

Extendable Ruby on Rails engine for adding shopping cart functionality to a Rails appli...

16,288 下载

trax_controller 0.1.3

Resourceful, standardized controllers

16,154 下载

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

15,806 下载

protected 1.0.4

Protected is a gem for rails that gives you user authorization, administration, auditin...

15,723 下载

mongoid_location 0.3.5

mongoid_location simplifies mongoid geo location calculations, experimental Mongoid 3.0...

15,605 下载

fortifier 0.2.4

Different stuff.

15,446 下载


Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

15,232 下载

idioma 0.2.0

Idioma is a gem for managing translations through an interface. Translations are saved ...

14,975 下载

rails_codebook 0.1.1

Codebook solution we all use in our projects

14,958 下载

home_page 0.0.6

#Ruby on #Rails CMS with #Crowdsourcing support changes:

14,761 下载

solr_collection 0.1.5

Wrapper for solr results sets then behaves/feels like will_paginate collection

14,739 下载

grasshopper_paginate 0.0.6

change based on foundation-will_paginate gem, use foundation style pagination and also ...

14,634 下载

hal_decorator 0.3.6

A DSL for serializing resources according to HypertextApplicationLanguage. This gem has...

14,321 下载

下载总量 82,198,424

这个版本 77,264



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
