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wwtd 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 wwtd

dynamo-record 1.4.3

Extensions to Aws::Record for working with DynamoDB.

70,910 下载

has_siblings 0.2.8

parent.children.where.not(id:, extended to n parents

67,527 下载

silent_stream 1.0.8

ActiveSupport Kernel Reporting Detritus with a few enhancements

67,384 下载

awesome_explain 1.0.1

AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...

57,564 下载

strong_struct 0.0.3

A structure that has strong attributes

56,829 下载

schmobile 2.0.0

A mobile user agent detection Rack middleware. See the README.

55,885 下载

vertex_client 0.6.7

The Vertex Client Ruby Gem provides an interface to integrate with Vertex Cloud's SOAP ...

51,644 下载

jekyll-linkpreview 0.7.0

Jekyll tag plugin to generate link preview

50,690 下载

mathml2latex 2.0.0

Translate MathML to LaTeX

37,020 下载

rails_test_params_backport 0.2.1

Backports the :params, :headers and :env options introduced in Rails 5 to older version...

35,241 下载

app_perf_rpm 0.2.5

Ruby Agent for the AppPerf app.

33,917 下载

traceable 1.5.0

Instrument code with logging

30,653 下载

m2m_fast_insert 0.3.0

Fast Inserts for Rails Many to Many relations

26,406 下载

chartio-rails 0.1.0

Helper functions for getting your Rails database hooked up to Chartio

25,646 下载

rearmed_rails 2.0.2

A collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Rails

25,404 下载

rearmed 2.0.1

A collection of helpful methods and monkey patches for Objects, Strings, Enumerables, A...

24,827 下载

rnfse 0.6.2

Biblioteca para integração com as várias implementações municipais de Nota Fiscal d...

23,705 下载

ndd-rspec 1.2.1

RSpec utilities

18,862 下载

tss 0.5.0

Threshold Secret Sharing (TSS) provides a way to generate N shares from a value, so...

17,674 下载

memoized_inflectors 1.0.0

Memoizes ActiveSupport inflector methods.

16,638 下载

rails_env_local 0.3.2

"development" is not always the best name for the local environment. An alternate env...

14,722 下载

sirp 2.0.1

A Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr...

14,633 下载

shoulda-change_matchers 0.0.5

should_change / should_create / should_destroy matchers for shoulda 3 backported from s...

14,580 下载

schema_expectations 0.5.0

Allows you to test whether your database schema matches the validations in your Act...

13,960 下载

nokogiri-xmlsec1 0.0.11

This is a fork of nokogiri-xmlsec. This fork uses mini_portile to improve code pred...

13,304 下载

themes 0.1

Add simple themes to rails applications

12,028 下载

jwt_claims 0.1.0

Modular implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) Claims

10,871 下载

rack-content_security_policy 0.1.2

Rack middleware for declaratively setting the HTTP ContentSecurityPolicy (W3C CSP Level...

10,294 下载

memoized_inflectors_rails 1.0.0

A Rails wrapper for the memoized_inflectors gem.

9,373 下载

ndd-rspec-rails 0.2.3

RSpec utilities for Rails

9,142 下载

下载总量 562,026

这个版本 117,417



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
