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avatax 24.4.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AvaTax REST and Search APIs

4.472.231 Descargas

Avatax_AddressService 2.0.1

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

42.643 Descargas

avatax_client 0.2.1

Reduce the burden of integration with the Avalara Avatax API. Av...

7.259 Descargas

avatax-ruby 0.1.0

Ruby client for Avatax

1.285.776 Descargas

Avatax_TaxService 2.0.2

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

219.973 Descargas

avaticon 0.0.7

A library for getting web service user icon.

10.026 Descargas

ava_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated html data for Rails.

2.467 Descargas

avaya 0.0.6

If you are looking to talk to you Avaya Ip Office then this is the gem for you!

15.921 Descargas

avburn 0.5.0

Read/Write AVR Microcontrollers fuses and memory

28.050 Descargas

av_capture 1.0.2

Wraps up AVCapture and exposes it to Ruby. This gem only works on OS X.

10.974 Descargas

avchi 0.1.0

its a test script

416 Descargas

AVClub 1.0.4

Setup an AVCaptureSession with video, multiple cameras, and still image capabilities. ...

28.588 Descargas

avdata 0.4.0

A gem to parse Aviation data files

5.201 Descargas

avdi-faraday 0.8.1

Just a fork so I can satisfy gem dependencies in Leadlight.

5.063 Descargas

avdi-rack_base_uri 0.0.5

A middleware to automatically set the base URI for [X]HTML documents. This is useful wh...

12.670 Descargas

avdt_ldap 1.0.1

This gem can manage user authentication on multiple LDAP directories that can reside ei...

14.266 Descargas

avdt_ldap_legacy 1.1.0

avdt_ldap is a simple LDAP authentication library for user authentication on multiple L...

5.365 Descargas

aveceine 1.0.0

Waros Array-Hash manager.

8.869 Descargas

avenue 0.0.0


4.476 Descargas

average 3.1

Find the arithmethic mean/mode/median of an array of numbers .

13.465 Descargas

average_hash 0.1.1

Simple similarity calculation method of image

5.796 Descargas

averager 0.2.1

RubyGem to track long running processes.

33.935 Descargas

average_roles 0.0.1

Add roles to models with tree structure via postgres_tree. It's average because it does...

3.870 Descargas

averell23-assit 0.1.2

Lightweight library that provides easy-to-use runtime assertions for Ruby

6.823 Descargas

averell23-bj 1.0.2

Special version for JRuby compatibility. Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero...

3.880 Descargas

averell23-gokdok 0.1.2

Allows you to automatically push your RDoc documentation to GitHub.

6.865 Descargas

averell23-systemu 1.2.0

Special version for JRuby compatibility

3.959 Descargas

averell23-watchdogger 0.2.1

A small flexible watchdog system to monitor servers.

24.723 Descargas

averell-exception_notification 1.0.20110124

Gemified exception_notification rails plugin, compatible with Rails 2.3.5 with RailsXss

10.316 Descargas

aversion 0.0.1

Manage the version number for your application

4.957 Descargas