RubyGems Navigation menu


aws_runas 0.7.1

Run a command or shell under an assumed AWS IAM role

29.859 Descargas

aws-s3 0.6.3

Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API

7.414.485 Descargas


Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API

5.913 Descargas

aws-s3crets 0.0.3

Fetch secret files from AWS S3 buckets.

8.038 Descargas

aws-s3-cse 0.1.1

Provides a ruby implementation of the Client Side Encryption client for AWS-S3

9.347 Descargas

aws-s3-deploy 0.3.0

Deploy static files to AWS S3.

16.873 Descargas

aws_s3_export 0.2.0

Simple gem for export a directory to AWS S3. You set directory, bucket and keys and enj...

9.097 Descargas


Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API, forked by Instructure pe...

26.380 Descargas

aws-s3-multi-region 0.6.3

Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API

6.145 Descargas

awss3sync 1.1.0

Sync AWS S3 directories. Requires AWS CLI to be installed and configured before use.

6.276 Descargas

aws_s3_website_sync 1.1.0

AWS S3 Website Sync

3.539 Descargas

aws_sam_yarn_builder 0.2.6

A command line program to produce builds for aws-sam-cli for nodejs/yarn projects

23.403 Descargas

aws_scripts 0.1.0

This gem installs scripts that make it easy for devs to manage AWS resources within a R...

342 Descargas

aws-sdb 0.3.1

Amazon SDB API

63.710 Descargas

aws_sdb_bare 1.2.2

Amazon AWS SDB SimpleDB client library, low level and http lib agnostic

14.284 Descargas

awssdk 0.0.1

You probably meant `gem install aws-sdk`.

2.461 Descargas

aws_sdk 3.1.5

AWS SDK for ruby with patch for batch writes

23.213 Descargas

aws-sdk 3.2.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

342.814.588 Descargas

aws-sdk-accessanalyzer 1.49.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Access Analyzer. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

36.868.519 Descargas

aws-sdk-account 1.23.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Account. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

17.212.243 Descargas

aws-sdk-acm 1.67.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). This gem is part of the AWS SD...

73.704.787 Descargas

aws-sdk-acmpca 1.68.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (ACM-PC...

64.833.048 Descargas

aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness 1.71.0

[DEPRECATED] Official AWS Ruby gem for Alexa For Business. This gem is part of the AWS ...

67.644.401 Descargas

aws-sdk-amplify 1.59.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify (Amplify). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

54.307.743 Descargas

aws-sdk-amplifybackend 1.32.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmplifyBackend. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

23.705.200 Descargas

aws-sdk-amplifyuibuilder 1.26.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify UI Builder. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for R...

13.727.613 Descargas

aws-sdk-apigateway 1.95.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon API Gateway. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

75.983.733 Descargas

aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi 1.44.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi. This gem is part of the AWS SD...

50.267.318 Descargas

aws-sdk-apigatewayv2 1.56.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonApiGatewayV2. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

53.668.980 Descargas

aws-sdk-appconfig 1.46.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon AppConfig (AppConfig). This gem is part of the AWS SDK...

37.776.034 Descargas