active_export 0.4.0
Export to CSV/YAML/XML from ActiveRecord collections.
33.677 Descargas
many cool behaviors for Activerecord like ActiveDisable, Hash.keys_to_sym and more
33.314 Descargas
activeextract 9001.0
placeholder gem
2.220 Descargas
active_facet 1.2.8
Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...
3.480 Descargas
active_facets 1.2.5
Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...
11.909 Descargas
active_factory 0.1.0
Fixtures replacement with sweet syntax
9.997 Descargas
activefacts 1.9.0
ActiveFacts provides the Constellation Query Language (CQL), a fact modeling and query ...
189.078 Descargas
activefacts-api 1.9.13
The ActiveFacts API is a Ruby DSL for managing constellations of elementary facts. Each...
167.390 Descargas
activefacts-compositions 1.9.23
Create and represent composite schemas, schema transforms and data transforms over a fa...
49.506 Descargas
activefacts-cql 1.9.7
Compiler for the Constellation Query Language, part of the ActiveFacts suite for Fact M...
30.264 Descargas
activefacts-examples 1.9.9
Example models in the Constellation Query Language for use with ActiveFacts
15.059 Descargas
activefacts-generators 1.9.2
Code generators for the ActiveFacts Fact Modeling suite, including the Constellation Qu...
22.984 Descargas
activefacts-metamodel 1.9.23
Core meta-model for fact-based models (schema). This gem provides the core representati...
52.999 Descargas
activefacts-orm 1.9.4
ORM format importer for the ActiveFacts fact modeling suite. Install the Natural ORM Ar...
18.833 Descargas
activefacts-rmap 1.8.2
Relational mapping for fact models. Part of the ActiveFacts suite.
13.722 Descargas
active-fedora 15.0.1
ActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...
1.882.487 Descargas
activefedora-aggregation 0.10.0
Aggregations for active-fedora
47.647 Descargas
active_fedora-crosswalks 0.0.7
Enables metadata crosswalking between ActiveFedora datastreams.
31.938 Descargas
active_fedora-datastreams 0.5.0
XML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora
33.257 Descargas
active_fedora_finders 0.5.0
A mixin library for ActiveFedora. Realtion methods operating against the FCRepo object ...
55.325 Descargas
active_fedora-noid 2.2.0
Noid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.
135.234 Descargas
active_fedora-registered_attributes 0.2.1
An ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes
85.243 Descargas
active_fedora_relsint 0.4.1
ActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams...
38.028 Descargas
active_fedora_streamable 0.3.0
An ActiveFedora mixin that allows a datastream dissemination response to be streamed ba...
33.675 Descargas
active_fields 1.1.0
Extend your Rails models without changing DB schema.
875 Descargas
activefile 0.0.31
Build a hierarchical model of filesystem objects.
34.834 Descargas
Just a file system database
27.221 Descargas
active_file_record 0.0.3a
Gem description
7.364 Descargas
active_filter 0.0.8
ActiveFilter is a Rails engine for allowing users to filter scope dynamically.
57.706 Descargas
active_filterable 0.0.1
ActiveFilterable is a gem designed to enable custom query filters for ActiveRecord mode...
553 Descargas