RubyGems Navigation menu


abc_csv 0.0.1

The 'abc-csv' gem is a Ruby library that provides a simple and efficient way to generat...

902 Descargas

abcd 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

11.364 Descargas

abcde-atthemovies 0.0.7

Scraper for

10.049 Descargas

abcde-at-the-movies 0.1.0

Scraper for

5.785 Descargas

abcde-configarrr 0.1.0

Actually it's not. It's just a way of handling configuration.

5.750 Descargas

abcde-sappy 0.1.1

A wrapper for the SiteUptime API

10.421 Descargas

abcdistill 0.1.0

This gem gives you the most read books this week in each genre from GoodReads. You can ...

3.034 Descargas

ABCEvaluateMath 0.0.1

A simple math operations gem

3.314 Descargas


An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.

24.254 Descargas

a-b-chi 2.0.0

A convenient gem that will allow you to sort arrays and activerecord relations without ...

28.957 Descargas

abcing 0.0.3

Find classes mentioned in your application but not in your test suite.

13.344 Descargas

abc_jsonapi 0.4.3

Json API serializer gem

37.371 Descargas

abcjs-rails 3.0.1

Delivery of the abcjs javascript library.

76.272 Descargas

ABCLogger 0.0.2

Ruby class for logging to stdout, stderr, or a file.

10.555 Descargas

abcrunch 0.0.5

The idea behind Ab Crunch is that basic performance metrics and standards should be eff...

22.676 Descargas

abc_size 0.1.3

Calculate ABC size, divided into methods defined in a single file.

3.623 Descargas

abc_size_visualizer 0.1.0

Visualize ABC size

1.045 Descargas

abctools 1.0

Collection some utilities for rubyer

6.948 Descargas

abcxyz 0.0.0

This is new gem

3.981 Descargas

abdesign 0.0.0

Use this to integrate with ABDesign

6.048 Descargas

abdi_view_tool 0.1.0


3.547 Descargas

abebooks 2.0.1

A Ruby wrapper to the Abebooks SWS API

13.383 Descargas

abebooks4r 0.1.0

Abebooks is a service to buy and sell new and used books online. abebooks4r provides h...

12.569 Descargas


more thorough implementation of == than in stdlib

12.885 Descargas

abelard 0.0.2

Persist blogs and similar web content as sharable git repositories

3.467 Descargas

abenity_ruby 2.0.0

A Ruby library for using the Abenity API. API details are online at

10.726 Descargas

abenla-ruby 1.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.868 Descargas

aberant-osc-ruby 0.2.0

inital gem

14.631 Descargas

aberant-tuio-ruby 0.2.1

library to interface with TUIO protocol

23.515 Descargas

abes_game 1.0.0

Welcome to my first Ruby gem. In this game, players compete for the highest score by ro...

2.931 Descargas