RubyGems Navigation menu


address_line_divider 1.0.6

Divide an address line into street and street number based on a Streets file.

10,484 ダウンロード数

addresslogic 1.2.1

Creates a meaningful array of address parts for easy displaying.

146,174 ダウンロード数

addresslogic_rails 1.0.0

This is a gem port of binary logics 'addresslogic' to Rails 3 and a Gem

12,227 ダウンロード数

address-matcher 0.2.0

Uses geocoding to perform fuzzy match on address strings

12,993 ダウンロード数

address_me 0.0.1

A super simple way to turn an address string into a hash of useful information!

6,272 ダウンロード数

address_picker-rails 0.3.0

An address picker for Rails with autocompletion and map picking (adapted from https://g...

17,751 ダウンロード数

address_searcher 0.1.0

you can search address by zipcode

619 ダウンロード数

address-service 0.1.0

Address service gem

4,217 ダウンロード数

address_standardization 0.4.1

A tiny Ruby library to quickly standardize a postal address

20,908 ダウンロード数

address-standardization 0.4.2.rc1

A tiny Ruby library to quickly standardize a postal address

2,789 ダウンロード数

address_titlecase 1.2.1

Smartly capitalize US & Canadian addresses

7,634 ダウンロード数

address_tokens 0.2.0

Always want to find where address, city and state are on a string? Use this gem.

15,170 ダウンロード数

address_validate 0.1.1

AddressValidate is a ruby wrapper for integrating with the USPS address validation api.

6,266 ダウンロード数

address_validator 0.1.1

UPS address validation gem

7,687 ダウンロード数

address_verifier 0.1.5

Uses USPS Web Tools and Google Maps APIs to validate and get suggestions for addresses

11,436 ダウンロード数

addressy 0.0.2

Real addresses for your testing/demoing needs.

4,547 ダウンロード数

addrule 0.0.1

Automation gem to add page rules

4,171 ダウンロード数

add_symbolic_names 0.2.0

ActiveRecord plugin for creating constants from a domain table

30,818 ダウンロード数

add_this 0.0.3

Simple API connector for getting analytic data from AddThis

17,632 ダウンロード数

addtion 0.0.2

addition of two numbers

8,131 ダウンロード数

add_to_calendar 0.5.1

Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Hey, Office 365, Outlook, O...

373,607 ダウンロード数

add_to_calendar_links 0.4.8

Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, Outloo...

30,132 ダウンロード数

add_to_google_cal 1.0.0

A view layer helper which takes an object (such as an ActiveRecord instance from your d...

5,243 ダウンロード数


Provides the 'Add to Home screen' assets for your Rails application.

157,485 ダウンロード数

add-to-org 3.0.3

A simple Oauth App to automatically add users to an organization.

27,110 ダウンロード数

add_two_numbers 0.1.2

Add Two Numbers

1,270 ダウンロード数

add-vault-tokens 0.2.6

Given a master vault token, issue short-lived, per-application tokens to each app in a ...

23,347 ダウンロード数

addy 1.1.0

# Addy Allows pretty summations. Instead of writing: (1..5).inject(0) do |memo, n...

13,423 ダウンロード数

addy_caddy_client 0.0.1

Provides a wrapper for making queries to apis and local data.

4,297 ダウンロード数

addy_lambda 0.1.11

Include this gem in your Lambda code to provide generic functionality, standardize code...

8,348 ダウンロード数