acclaim-api 0.1.0
Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https:/...
2,951 ダウンロード数
acclimate 0.6.0
A Cli building toolkit. See README for more details.
31,848 ダウンロード数
acclir 0.2.0
AtCoder CLI developed in Ruby.
2,322 ダウンロード数
ac_copyright_tool 0.1.0
This gem generates HTML data for Rails applications.
3,218 ダウンロード数
accord 0.1.1
Contracts and adaptation for Ruby
18,956 ダウンロード数
according_to 0.0.1
gem install according_to
5,083 ダウンロード数
accordion_view 0.0.1
Adding Accordion to your view
10,583 ダウンロード数
accountability 0.2.3
In Development - Coming Soon
11,744 ダウンロード数
accountable 0.0.2
An abstraction of the account / user pattern. The account owns all of the system asset...
11,706 ダウンロード数
accountancy 0.0.1
Full stack accountancy solution for rails: accounting / invoice model, pricing, gateway...
11,065 ダウンロード数
accountant 0.0.3
Double-entry accounting.
5,003 ダウンロード数
accountant_clerk 0.8
Simple reports that are not so simple anymore and let you analyse your shops performance
26,323 ダウンロード数
accountant_date 0.0.4
Accountants deals with dates that are simply months (e.g., 01/13). accountant_date pars...
22,554 ダウンロード数
account-bucketing-engine 0.0.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2,924 ダウンロード数
account-client 0.0.0
Account Client
2,503 ダウンロード数
AccountGem 1.0.1
A Ruby library to generate clever dummy data
6,090 ダウンロード数
accounting 0.0.1
An abstraction layer to help deal with accounting in applications.
10,659 ダウンロード数
accountingjs-rails 0.0.4
A tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting with Rails asset pi...
585,822 ダウンロード数
accountkit 0.1.1
A light-weight Ruby API client for Facebook Account Kit with no dependency.
7,393 ダウンロード数
account_kit 0.2.0
A light-weight Ruby API client for Facebook Account Kit with no dependency.
45,235 ダウンロード数
account_kit_rails 0.0.0
Non-password Authentication with Facebook Account Kit for Rails app
4,209 ダウンロード数
account-logger 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
802 ダウンロード数
accountly 0.0.7
Lightweight administration on top of lobby-gem
23,648 ダウンロード数
accounts 0.0.1
Accounts::Server defines the following paths for your web-app: * POST '/logon' * POST ...
10,702 ダウンロード数
accounts_client 0.3.6
This is client library for padma-Accounts-ws
294,570 ダウンロード数
account_scopper 0.2.0
Account Scopper: Automatically scope your ActiveRecord's model by account. Ideal for mu...
21,903 ダウンロード数
account_subdomain 0.0.1
Account subdomain gem add the functionality of adding and managing the subdomain functi...
4,976 ダウンロード数
accoutrement 0.1.10
A library of Sass utilities and patterns for OddBird projects.
115,217 ダウンロード数
accredible-api-ruby 0.1.50
A simple gem for interacting with the accredible certificate & badge API
43,502 ダウンロード数
accredible-ruby 0.1.9
A simple gem for interacting with the accredible certificate API
8,438 ダウンロード数