RubyGems Navigation menu


anything-slider 0.0.1

This is a personal gem to add anything slider efect in rails application

4,576 ダウンロード数

anything_slider_rails 0.0.2

Gem installation of jquery plugin, AnythingSlider

10,342 ダウンロード数

anything_slider-rails 0.0.3

Gem installation of jquery plugin, AnythingSlider

5,639 ダウンロード数

anytick 0.2.0

Anytick extends ruby's backtick notation to do more than run a shell command. For ...

4,589 ダウンロード数

anytime 0.2.1

Fix to support Rails 4

78,612 ダウンロード数

anytime-js-rails 1.1.0

Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget 4.2013.03.15.a

22,502 ダウンロード数

any-validate 0.0.4

Validate the various things.

13,064 ダウンロード数

any_value 0.1.1

Collection of helper methods for testing "shape" of the data

5,978 ダウンロード数

any_view 0.2.3

View helpers with an absolute minimum of requirements

22,492 ダウンロード数

anywayanyday_api 0.0.1

Ruby gem for Anywayanyday API Redirect.

3,635 ダウンロード数

anyway_config 2.7.1

Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications. Allows you to easily follow ...

20,823,202 ダウンロード数

anywhere 0.0.2

Simple wrapper for Net/SSH

8,743 ダウンロード数

anywhere_time 0.0.3

Discover AnywhereTimeGem: Instantly access real-time information globally. Effortlessly...

899 ダウンロード数

anz_bank_client 0.1.5

This gem can log into ANZ online banking and fetch account and transaction data

1,740 ダウンロード数

anz_bank_csv_cleaner 0.1

ANZ Bank's CSV export contains many fields, making it difficult to identify transaction...

2,993 ダウンロード数

anzebra_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,401 ダウンロード数

anzu 0.1.2

Twitter API wrapper for Ruby

1,561 ダウンロード数

ao 0.1.5

simple & cross platform audio output library(libao binding http://

17,730 ダウンロード数

aoandon 0.0.7

Aoandon (青行燈) is a minimalist network intrusion detection system (NIDS).

24,519 ダウンロード数

AoBane 0.1.18

AoBane The Markdown engine powered by BlueFeather

87,878 ダウンロード数

aobgame 1.0.0

Just a basic game created for a pretty good course. Hi Joana and David 👋🏾

1,445 ダウンロード数

aob_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML info for my views.

2,677 ダウンロード数

aoc 0.0.1

Advent of Code toolkit to fetch inputs and submit answers efficiently.

4,874 ダウンロード数

aoc_cli 1.0.1

A command-line interface for the Advent of Code puzzles. Features include downloading p...

13,054 ダウンロード数

aoc_generator 0.1.11

Automatically creates daily puzzle files and test templates for Advent of Code challeng...

1,552 ダウンロード数

aocli 1.5.0

Command line application to retrieve advent of code challenges and create boilerplate s...

6,196 ダウンロード数

aoc_rb 0.2.10

Tools for creating a new project for your Advent of Code solutions, built using Ruby.

12,036 ダウンロード数

aoc_rb_helpers 0.0.7

Enhances the aoc_rb gem with tools for parsing puzzle input, and handling various data ...

1,123 ダウンロード数

ao_crudify 0.1.0

A dynamic resource controller for Rails > 2.3 and ActiveObject ORM that keeps your cont...

5,560 ダウンロード数

aoc_toolkit 0.0.3

Advent Of Code toolkit to setup and maintain quiz environment.

4,190 ダウンロード数