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asciidoctor-mathematical 0.3.5

An Asciidoctor extension to converts latexmath equations to SVG or PNGs

123,711 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-mathjax3 0.0.1

Asciidoctor Plugin that converts latexmath using Mathjax 3

2,427 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-mathml 0.1.1

AsciiDoctor extension to convert STEM to MathML

3,043 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-mermaid 0.4.1

Asciidoctor mermaid extension

13,621 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-metanorma_sample 0.3.3

Sample Metanorma Asciidoctor gem. This gem is meant to be customised for any downstrea...

2,617 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-multipage 0.0.19

An Asciidoctor extension that generates HTML output using multiple pages

113,047 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-nabetani 0.1.4

An assortment of things I needed to make a Japanese PDF document with asciidoctor.

8,983 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-p2e 0.3.0

Asciidoctor Pathfinder 2E Extension

13,957 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf 2.3.19

An add-on converter for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using the P...

3,776,306 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf-cjk 0.1.3

asciidoctor-pdf CJK extension

123,196 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kai_gen_gothic 0.1.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

39,694 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kai_gen_gothic-ex 0.1.2.beta.1

Waining: This is an unofficial extended support of asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kai_gen_gothic. ...

162 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf-cjk-kaigen-gothic-kr 0.1.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,894 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-pdf-linewrap-ja 0.8.0

Asciidoctor PDF extension providing better line wrap for Japanese document.

23,415 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-plantuml 0.1.1

Asciidoctor PlantUML extension

31,729,673 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-question 0.5.2

Asciidoctor Question is a set of Asciidoctor extensions that allows you to add question...

9,875 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-reducer 1.1.0

A tool that reduces an AsciiDoc document containing preprocessor directives (includes a...

60,747 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-requirements 1.0.0

An asciidoctor extension that transforms a yaml block in a formatted requirement.

637 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-revealjs 5.2.0

Converts AsciiDoc documents into HTML5 presentations designed to be executed by the rev...

252,933 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-rfc 0.9.2

asciidoctor-rfc lets you write Internet-Drafts and RFCs in a native "asciidoctor" synta...

21,010 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-rouge 0.4.0

Rouge code highlighter support for Asciidoctor

77,574 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-rsd 0.3.6

asciidoctor-rsd lets you write RSD in AsciiDoc syntax. This gem is in active development.

22,226 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-rubyeval 1.0.0

asciidoctor-rubyeval allows to include ruby code that will be eva...

431 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-sail 0.2

Asciidoctor extension for documenting Sail models

1,805 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-server 0.4.3

Run asciidoctor as a server and avoid the cost of spawning multiple processes

1,526 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-tabs 1.0.0.beta.6

An Asciidoctor extension that adds a tabs block to the AsciiDoc syntax. The tabset is c...

9,841 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-templates-compiler 0.7.0

Compile templates-based Asciidoctor converter (backend) into a single Ruby file

42,834 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-tex2svg 0.0.1

An Asciidoctor extension to converts latexmath equations to SVG

2,179 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-texnical 0.0.2

An Asciidoctor extension to converts latexmath equations to SVG or PNGs

4,234 ダウンロード数

asciidoctor-xml-ast 0.2.0

Asciidoctor converter to generate a XML file with the syntax nodes from a parsed do...

1,820 ダウンロード数