asp-marketplace 0.1.0
Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.
6,070 ダウンロード数
aspnet_password_hasher 1.1.0
An implementation of password hashing compatible with ASP.NET Identity
6,070 ダウンロード数
aspose_3d_cloud 20.5
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.3D Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications qu...
2,101 ダウンロード数
aspose_barcode_cloud 1.0.4
Aspose.Barcode for Cloud is a REST API for barcode generation and recognition. It helps...
12,521 ダウンロード数
asposebarcodejava 0.0.2
AsposeBarCodeJava is a Ruby gem that helps generating and recognizing BarCode symbologi...
6,580 ダウンロード数
aspose_cad_cloud 24.5.2
This SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...
4,761 ダウンロード数
aspose_cells_cloud 25.2
Ruby Cloud SDK wraps Aspose.Cells REST API so you could seamlessly integrate Microsoft ...
84,389 ダウンロード数
asposecellsjava 0.0.3
AsposeCellsJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice sp...
9,201 ダウンロード数
asposecloud 1.1.2
Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to use Aspose API in your Ruby applications
7,838 ダウンロード数
asposecloudsdk 0.0.1
Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to use Aspose API in your Ruby applications
5,852 ダウンロード数
aspose_diagram_cloud 20.3
Ruby library for communicating with the Aspose.Diagram Cloud API
11,894 ダウンロード数
AsposeDiagramCloud 20.3
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
5,242 ダウンロード数
asposediagramjava 0.0.2
AsposeDiagramJava is a Ruby gem that helps to create, load, save and manipulate Microso...
6,513 ダウンロード数
asposeemailcloud 18.7.0
Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common ...
2,436 ダウンロード数
aspose_email_cloud 21.9.0
Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common ...
31,572 ダウンロード数
asposeemailjava 0.0.2
AsposeEmailJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with email documents using Aspose.Emai...
6,304 ダウンロード数
aspose_html 1.0.0
This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for ruby source code.
2,615 ダウンロード数
aspose_html_cloud 22.12.1
This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for ruby source code.
10,911 ダウンロード数
aspose_imaging_cloud 23.5
When you need robust image processing features into your Ruby application, but do not h...
29,394 ダウンロード数
asposeimagingjava 0.0.1
AsposeImagingJava is a Ruby gem that helps developers create, edit, draw or convert ima...
3,530 ダウンロード数
aspose_ocr_cloud 1.0.2
Aspose.OCR for Cloud is a cloud-based REST API for optical character recognition and do...
7,908 ダウンロード数
asposeocrjava 0.0.1
AsposeOcrJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with optical character & marker reco...
3,551 ダウンロード数
aspose_omr_cloud 18.8.0
Aspose.OMR for Cloud is a REST API that helps you to perform optical mark recognition i...
2,491 ダウンロード数
aspose_pdf_cloud 25.1.0
Aspose.PDF Cloud is a REST API for creating and editing PDF files. Most popular feature...
99,655 ダウンロード数
asposepdfjava 0.0.2
AsposePdfJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with PDF documents using Aspose.Pdf for ...
6,401 ダウンロード数
asposeslides 0.0.4
asposeslides is a Ruby gem that can help working with aspose libraries
14,316 ダウンロード数
aspose_slides_cloud 24.12.0
SDK for Aspose.Slides Cloud
63,583 ダウンロード数
asposeslidesjava 0.0.2
AsposeSlidesJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOff...
6,709 ダウンロード数
aspose_storage_cloud 18.6
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Storage Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applicatio...
11,362 ダウンロード数
aspose_tasks_cloud 1.0.2
Aspose.Tasks for Cloud is a REST API for manipulating Microsoft Project documents in th...
7,785 ダウンロード数