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action_smser 3.4.1

ActionSmser == SMS && ActionMailer. Simple way to use SMS (Short Message Service) in th...

114,581 ダウンロード数

action_sms_gateways 0.0.7

SMS Gateway Adapters to use with action_sms

56,920 ダウンロード数

action_sprout-method_object 0.2.0

A simple class method that makes it super easy to create a method object taking keyword...

6,302 ダウンロード数

actionsrb 0.0.1


2,638 ダウンロード数

action_state 1.0.0

Quickly define model state predicates and scopes at the same time.

1,694 ダウンロード数

actionstore 0.3.2

Push data into Svelte stores from Rails

4,301 ダウンロード数

action-store 1.1.3

Store difference kind of actions (Like, Follow, Star, Block ...) in one table via Activ...

57,566 ダウンロード数

actionstream 0.0.0

My incoming Karafka related project

2,206 ダウンロード数

action_subscriber 5.3.3

ActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...

432,715 ダウンロード数

action_subscriber-opentracing 1.0.4


14,300 ダウンロード数

actions-updater 0.1.15

Updater of used Github Actions in workflow files

18,789 ダウンロード数

action_table 0.4.0

Render ActiveRecord objects as HTML tables with one line of Ruby - supports some simple...

9,064 ダウンロード数

action_tabler 0.1.3

A drop in table action for your Rails controllers using DataTables.

23,065 ダウンロード数

actiontext 8.0.1

Edit and display rich text in Rails applications.

264,070,261 ダウンロード数

actiontext5 5.2.0

ActionText for Rails 5

1,289 ダウンロード数

actiontexter 0.1.0

Allows you to build text messages similar to ActionMailer

5,204 ダウンロード数

action_texter 0.2.0

Generic interface to send SMS with Ruby

14,364 ダウンロード数

action-texter 0.0.1

Send text messages by means of the HTTP protocol via a HTTP driven sms provider

10,538 ダウンロード数

actiontext-lite 0.0.2

Lite version of the ActionText.

5,148 ダウンロード数

actiontext-syntax-highlighter 0.1.3

Extends ActionText to support highlighted code blocks

7,846 ダウンロード数

action_text_to_whatsapp_markdown 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

876 ダウンロード数

action_throttler 0.1.0

Action Throttler is an easy to use Rails plugin to quickly throttle application actions...

10,837 ダウンロード数

actiontimer 0.2.1

ActionTimer is a simple timer for recurring actions. It supports single and recurring a...

38,621 ダウンロード数

ActionTimer 0.2.1

ActionTimer is a simple timer for recurring actions. It supports single and recurring a...

105,930 ダウンロード数

action_tracer 0.2.6

Log Rails application actions and filters when accepts a request

129,879 ダウンロード数

action_tracker 1.0.2

Easy way to track actions in your application without adding unnecessary code to your c...

69,883 ダウンロード数

action_tracker_client 0.1.8

ActionTracking service integration gem

29,137 ダウンロード数

action_tree 0.2.0

ActionTree is a DRY request router. It provides a compact DSL for defining actions and ...

29,596 ダウンロード数

action_ui 0.0.1

Metour Lipsumar

3,341 ダウンロード数

action_validator 0.1.0

Validate your Rails forms remotely in real time using ActionCable. Also validate client...

223 ダウンロード数