attachment_saver 1.6.0
This plugin implements attachment storage and processing, integrated with ActiveRecord ...
195,574 ダウンロード数
attachment_zen 1.0.1
Adds has_attachment (file store) properties to ActiveRecord. Supports local file, file...
5,652 ダウンロード数
attachmerb_fu 0.0.1
Merb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
6,117 ダウンロード数
Json based attachments for records in rails.
45,478 ダウンロード数
attach-s3 1.0.0
S3 backend module for the Attach gem
2,873 ダウンロード数
attachy 0.4.1
Attachments handler for Rails via Cloudinary.
16,019 ダウンロード数
attack 1.0.0
This gem provides a nice way to attack, attack events. Rails ready.
4,698 ダウンロード数
attack-barometer 0.6.1
22,739 ダウンロード数
attacked 0.1.0
Manage a persisted list of blocked IP addresses and block these requests
2,589 ダウンロード数
attack-focus 0.2.0
7,161 ダウンロード数
attack-spotlight 0.1.0
4,069 ダウンロード数
attask 0.1.1
This gem is prepared to integrate with Attask
9,292 ダウンロード数
att-codekit 8.0.1
Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team
618 ダウンロード数
attempt 0.6.3
The attempt library provides a thin wrapper for the typical begin/rescue/sleep/retr...
261,946 ダウンロード数
attempt_this 1.0.3
Retry policy mix-in with configurable number of attempts, delays, exception filters, an...
31,836 ダウンロード数
attempt_to 0.4.1
AttemptTo calls a code block and re-tries it if it throws an exception. Otherwise exits
11,601 ダウンロード数
attend 2.0.1
Attend is CLI tool that will help you register your Zoho People attendance in fast and ...
10,635 ダウンロード数
attendable 0.0.3
The attendable-plugin let's you invite members to a Group model and easily build rsvp a...
7,257 ダウンロード数
attendance 0.1.0
Changes behavior of Active Record present?
39,895 ダウンロード数
attendance_bot 0.3.1
Learning how to make a gem by creating a bot to do attendance
7,427 ダウンロード数
attendance_client 0.0.4
Padma Attendance client with LogicalModel
11,621 ダウンロード数
attendease 0.0.0
Start building your event today!
3,986 ダウンロード数
attender 0.0.3
Orchestration tool for server provisioning with Capistrano, running on Consul networks
10,451 ダウンロード数
attention 0.0.6
Redis-based server awareness for distributed applications
21,712 ダウンロード数
attentive 0.3.9
A library for matching messages to natural-language listeners
36,425 ダウンロード数
attentive_sidekiq 0.3.3
This gem allows you to watch the jobs which suddenly dissappeared from redis without be...
169,411 ダウンロード数
attest 0.2.0
Attest allows you to define spec-like tests inline (within the same file as your actual...
10,642 ダウンロード数
attestify 0.1.1
A small framework for testing your code. It keeps track of assertion failures as well a...
8,462 ダウンロード数
attestor 2.2.1
Validations for immutable Ruby objects
29,530 ダウンロード数
at-the-movies 0.1.0
Scraper for
6,046 ダウンロード数