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authorizme 1.1.2

Authorization that includes basic authorization and 3 social authorization with Latvia ...

61,483 ダウンロード数

Authorizr 0.2.1

Authorizr: A simple controller-centric authorization framework.

14,463 ダウンロード数

authorizy 0.5.0

A JSON based Authorization.

13,704 ダウンロード数

authorr-api 1.0.2

Authorr API for Customers and Authors

7,402 ダウンロード数

authorule 1.2.0

Rule-based programmable permission system.

11,088 ダウンロード数

authoryze 0.0.3

Provides matrix based and role level authorization

4,486 ダウンロード数

authparty-connect 0.0.2

Easily add blockchain-based authorization and identity management to your service.

5,145 ダウンロード数

auth_passport_checkpoint 0.1.1

Checks id at entry: id of users on client apps and on intermediary apps (sso_clyent), i...

152,132 ダウンロード数

auth_passport_office 0.3.0

Devise + Doorkeeper + ApiAUth

73,942 ダウンロード数

authpds 1.1.5

Libraries that use Ex Libris products, can integrate Rails application with PDS to prov...

181,899 ダウンロード数

authpds-nyu 0.2.13

NYU libraries SSO client.

115,142 ダウンロード数

authpilot 0.0.1


4,070 ダウンロード数

authpro 1.1.0

Simple Rails authentication generator

29,928 ダウンロード数

auth_provider 0.0.3

A simple authentication provider for Ruby/Rails app. Designed for mobile clients and is...

6,785 ダウンロード数

auth_proxy 0.1.1

This is a simple reverse proxy for Rack. It is not meant for production systems (althou...

6,382 ダウンロード数

auth-proxy 1.0.2

Auth Proxy App (supports user / pass, oauth2)

7,331 ダウンロード数

authpwn_rails 0.23.0

Works with Facebook.

322,274 ダウンロード数

authql 0.0.0

This gem is intended for use with it's npm package counterpart 'authql'.

2,503 ダウンロード数

authr 0.1.1

Mountable engine with user management and authenthication in your API.

6,704 ダウンロード数

auth_rails 1.1.2

Simple authentication for Rails

1,896 ダウンロード数

authralia 0.0.4

An authentication dedicated to Mike Tyson based on his favorite place, Australia!

2,179 ダウンロード数

auth_redis_user_connector 0.0.9

Auth Redis User Connector.

26,224 ダウンロード数


This is the Authress SDK used to integrate with the authorization as a service provider...

10,702 ダウンロード数

authrocket 3.7.0

AuthRocket client for Ruby.

76,423 ダウンロード数

auth_scope 0.0.1

Authorization library using namespaced strings. Great for OAuth 2.0 APIs.

4,310 ダウンロード数

auth-service-authenticator 0.1.1

Utilizando a gem 'auth-service-authenticator', você irá plugar o serviço de autenticaçã...

5,050 ダウンロード数

authsignal-ruby 5.0.0

Authsignal is a passwordless authentication/multifactor authentication with modern fact...

31,635 ダウンロード数

auth-slice 0.1.0

Merb Slice that provides user authentication

6,045 ダウンロード数

authsome 0.0.1

Agnostic authorization integration for Trailblazer.

3,685 ダウンロード数

authstrategies 0.1.43

AuthStrategies is a Warden implementation for sinatra.

48,137 ダウンロード数