autostruct 0.1.0
Classes derived from Autostruct do not need to save the arguments to `initialize` a...
3,156 ダウンロード数
autostyle 0.1.0
Make it easier to merge CSS styles together for a HTML element
3,520 ダウンロード数
autosub 0.4.1
Ruby tool to automatically download subtitles (srt) inside your TV Shows folder
11,013 ダウンロード数
autosuggest 0.3.0
Generate autocomplete suggestions based on what your users search
40,975 ダウンロード数
autosuggest-rb 0.1.6
This is a gem that wraps the AutoSuggest javascript plugin
28,164 ダウンロード数
autotable 0.0.2
Rails plugin to auto-generate Bootstrap-compliant HTML tables from model collections
7,788 ダウンロード数
autotab-rails 0.0.4
AutoTab is a is a jQuery plugin that provides auto tabbing and filtering on text fields...
14,252 ダウンロード数
autotag 1.0.0
Autotag content gem
5,058 ダウンロード数
auto_tagger 0.2.11
Helps you automatically create tags for each stage in a multi-stage deploment and deplo...
407,735 ダウンロード数
auto_tagging 1.1.2
A ruby wrapper library for all current top tags/keywords/terms extraction services , th...
20,284 ダウンロード数
auto_tag_version 1.1.0
Generate auto tag
7,510 ダウンロード数
autotask 0.1.1
Runs any shell command or rake task when specified files are updated. Requires the stak...
6,078 ダウンロード数
autotask_api 1.0.0
Abstracted Autotask API 1.5 wrapper
7,757 ダウンロード数
autotask_ruby 2.4.2
A ruby client for the Autotask API. The client tries to use a full-featured approach.
25,579 ダウンロード数
autoterm 0.2.0
CLI tool to automate creation of iTerm2 sessions
2,701 ダウンロード数
auto-terminal 0.0.1
Use Auto from the command line
6,395 ダウンロード数
autotest 5.0.0
This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest su...
1,554,120 ダウンロード数
auto_test 1.0
Automatic Testing Tool
340,097 ダウンロード数
autotest-aniki 0.1.0
autotest with voice
5,428 ダウンロード数
autotest-clear 1.1.0
Clears the terminal for every autotest run. Inspired from autotest-growl[http://www.bit...
9,780 ダウンロード数
autotest-cucumber-notification 0.0.6
This is an autotest plugin that will notify you about the results of your Cucumber feat...
13,924 ダウンロード数
autotest-doom 0.0.1
autotest plugin for showing bloody Doom grunt when specs are failing
6,044 ダウンロード数
autotest-emacs 1.0.0
Makes UI portion of Ryan Davis' autotest.el work. Once upon a time included with ZenTes...
5,295 ダウンロード数
autotest-exit 1.0.0
Plugin to make autotest exit after all_good hook. Sometimes I want to just check all m...
4,655 ダウンロード数
autotestforphp 0.0.3
AutotestForPHP is based off of ZenTest autotest which is a popular Ruby tool for runnin...
17,457 ダウンロード数
autotest-fsevent 0.2.22
Autotest relies on filesystem polling to detect modifications in source code files. Thi...
427,509 ダウンロード数
autotest-gem 0.1.2
autotest plugin to discover tests in gems
6,162 ダウンロード数
autotest-git 0.0.1
5,548 ダウンロード数
autotest-growl 0.2.16
This gem aims to improve support for Growl notifications by autotest.
605,801 ダウンロード数
autotest-images 0.0.7
Incomplete and abandoned
35,450 ダウンロード数