RubyGems Navigation menu


active_etl 0.1.0

Add simple ETL operations to your Rails app!

759 ダウンロード数

activeevent 0.0.0.pre


2,550 ダウンロード数

active_event 0.5.3

Contains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco. Commands are used to trans...

58,784 ダウンロード数

active_events 0.0.1

Attaches configurable bunny events to create, update and destroy callbacks in active re...

4,185 ダウンロード数

active_event_store 1.2.1

Wrapper over Rails Event Store with conventions and transparent Rails integration

80,484 ダウンロード数

active_excel 0.1.0

This is a gem which allows you to build ActiveRecord objects from an Excel file with va...

2,557 ダウンロード数

ActiveExcel 0.0.1

Excel as the container of model objects

11,342 ダウンロード数

active_exchange 1.0.0

Foreign Exchange for your Rails app.

75,284 ダウンロード数

activeexperiment 0.1.1.alpha

Declare experiments using classes that can be run in different layers of an application.

902 ダウンロード数

active_explorer 0.0.9

Visualization of data and associations represented by Active Record.

9,379 ダウンロード数

activeexport 0.1.1

Export your Ruby Object

3,886 ダウンロード数

active_export 0.4.0

Export to CSV/YAML/XML from ActiveRecord collections.

33,836 ダウンロード数


many cool behaviors for Activerecord like ActiveDisable, Hash.keys_to_sym and more

33,506 ダウンロード数

activeextract 9001.0

placeholder gem

2,286 ダウンロード数

active_facet 1.2.8

Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...

3,537 ダウンロード数

active_facets 1.2.5

Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...

12,074 ダウンロード数

active_factory 0.1.0

Fixtures replacement with sweet syntax

10,060 ダウンロード数

activefacts 1.9.0

ActiveFacts provides the Constellation Query Language (CQL), a fact modeling and query ...

190,316 ダウンロード数

activefacts-api 1.9.13

The ActiveFacts API is a Ruby DSL for managing constellations of elementary facts. Each...

168,746 ダウンロード数

activefacts-compositions 1.9.23

Create and represent composite schemas, schema transforms and data transforms over a fa...

50,234 ダウンロード数

activefacts-cql 1.9.7

Compiler for the Constellation Query Language, part of the ActiveFacts suite for Fact M...

30,719 ダウンロード数

activefacts-examples 1.9.9

Example models in the Constellation Query Language for use with ActiveFacts

15,253 ダウンロード数

activefacts-generators 1.9.2

Code generators for the ActiveFacts Fact Modeling suite, including the Constellation Qu...

23,298 ダウンロード数

activefacts-metamodel 1.9.23

Core meta-model for fact-based models (schema). This gem provides the core representati...

53,732 ダウンロード数

activefacts-orm 1.9.4

ORM format importer for the ActiveFacts fact modeling suite. Install the Natural ORM Ar...

19,107 ダウンロード数

activefacts-rmap 1.8.2

Relational mapping for fact models. Part of the ActiveFacts suite.

13,891 ダウンロード数

active-fedora 15.0.1

ActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...

1,901,389 ダウンロード数

activefedora-aggregation 0.10.0

Aggregations for active-fedora

48,213 ダウンロード数

active_fedora-crosswalks 0.0.7

Enables metadata crosswalking between ActiveFedora datastreams.

32,209 ダウンロード数

active_fedora-datastreams 0.5.0

XML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora

34,051 ダウンロード数