active_job-arguments_plus 0.2.0
9,516 ダウンロード数
activejob-audited 0.0.1
Pass a current_user through to your active_jobs and use it in any generated audits
4,051 ダウンロード数
activejob_backport 0.0.3
Declare job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends.
251,423 ダウンロード数
activejob-cancel 0.3.2
activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job
350,262 ダウンロード数
active_job_channel 0.4.0
Uses ActionCable to alert front-end users of ActiveJobs' status
11,592 ダウンロード数
active_job_cloud_tasks 1.0.0
ActiveJob Adapter for Google Cloud Tasks
654 ダウンロード数
active_job-cron 0.1.0
It provides functionality for actibe_jobs being triggered recurrently.
4,035 ダウンロード数
active_job_cron_scheduler 0.1.1
ActiveJobCronScheduler provides a clean DSL for defining recurring jobs in Rails applic...
273 ダウンロード数
activejob_delayed_execution 1.0.2
active_job_delayed_execution provides very simple delayed behavior for Ruby.
34,775 ダウンロード数
active_job-disable 0.3.0
An ActiveJob queue adapter that disables delayed job.
12,991 ダウンロード数
activejob-dispatch_rider 2.4.1
'ActiveJob::DispatchRider' adds `DispatchRider` support for `ActiveJob`.
57,213 ダウンロード数
activejob_disque_adapter 0.0.3
Fills the gap between ActiveJob and Disque
10,186 ダウンロード数
activejob_dj_overrides 0.2.0
Allows max_attempts, destroy_failed_jobs?, reschedule_at, and max_run_time methods to b...
775,328 ダウンロード数
active_job_exception_handler 0.0.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3,088 ダウンロード数
activejob-ffmpeg 0.0.3
easier way to use ffmpeg in activejob
4,401 ダウンロード数
activejob-google_cloud_pubsub 0.7.1
Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter and worker for ActiveJob
50,334 ダウンロード数
activejob-google-cloud-pubsub 0.7.3
Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter and worker for ActiveJob
5,948 ダウンロード数
activejob-google_cloud_tasks 0.1.8
Google Cloud Tasks adapter for ActiveJob
35,476 ダウンロード数
activejob-google_cloud_tasks-http 0.3.0
ActiveJob adapter for Google Cloud Tasks HTTP targets.
94,088 ダウンロード数
active_job-inlined 0.1.0
ActiveJob::Inlined lets you run jobs inline within other jobs.
940 ダウンロード数
activejob-interactor 0.0.1
Run your interactors as background jobs via active job
5,021 ダウンロード数
active_job_k8s 0.2.0
ActiveJob adapter for kubernetes job
2,302 ダウンロード数
active_job_kubernetes 0.1.0
Run Rails Active Jobs as Kubernetes Jobs
2,286 ダウンロード数
active_job_lock 0.1.0
An ActiveJob plugin. Adds locking, with optional timeout/deadlock handling. Using a ...
3,433 ダウンロード数
activejob-lock 0.0.2
Adapt resque-lock with ActiveJob
68,409 ダウンロード数
activejob-lockable 0.3.0
Prevents jobs from enqueuing with unique arguments for a certain period of time
213,158 ダウンロード数
activejob-locking 0.6.2
activejob-locking lets you control how ActiveJobs are enqueued and performed: Allow on...
245,524 ダウンロード数
activejob-locks 0.0.4
Activejob Locks is an ActiveJob addon that will lock workers based on queue or work pay...
12,579 ダウンロード数
active_job_log 3.0.0
Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.
192,856 ダウンロード数
active_job_metadata 0.2.0
ActiveJobMetadata lets you store and retrieve metadata associated with ActiveJob jobs r...
5,847 ダウンロード数