activerecord_accessible_json 1.0.0
Using this gem, ActiveRecord's JSON attribute is deserialized into HashWithIndifferentA...
41,799 ダウンロード数
activerecord_acrawriter 1.0.3
Acra helps you easily secure your databases in distributed, microservice-rich environme...
9,572 ダウンロード数
activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter 2.0.0
ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Sal...
19,237 ダウンロード数
activerecord_activity_tracker 0.1.0
This gem will allows you to create the data model for social news feed used in many mod...
2,705 ダウンロード数
active_record-acts_as 5.2.0
Simulate multi-table inheritance for activerecord models using a polymorphic association
1,349,417 ダウンロード数
active_record_addons 0.1.2
ActiveRecord add-ons & helpers
6,894 ダウンロード数
activerecord-adonet-sqlserver 0.3.4
Wires up ActiveRecord to work with SQLServer through IronRuby.
29,769 ダウンロード数
activerecord-advantage-adapter 0.1.8
ActiveRecord driver for the Advantage Database connector
23,869 ダウンロード数
activerecord-after-transaction 0.1.4
Exec Proc After Transaction
247,168 ダウンロード数
activerecord-alias_association 1.0.2
Add activerecord association alias
7,276 ダウンロード数
active_record_aliased_joins 0.1.3
Adds method to set an alias while adding a join
2,117 ダウンロード数
active_record-allow_connection_failure 0.1.0
Check out the Rails PR for full details:
9,928 ダウンロード数
activerecord-alt-mongo-adapter 0.1.0
activerecord-alt-mongo-adapter is a MongoDB adapter for ActiveRecord.
10,986 ダウンロード数
activerecord-always_reset_column_information 0.1.0
Call Model.reset_column_information for each migrations
2,911 ダウンロード数
activerecord-amalgalite-adapter 0.8.0
This is that ActiveRecord adapter for the Amalgalite Database gem. The Amalgalite gem ...
10,612 ダウンロード数
activerecord-amazon-timestream-adapter 0.0.4
ActiveRecord Amazon Timestream Adapter
12,344 ダウンロード数
activerecord-analyze 0.11.1
Gem adds an "analyze" method to all Active Record query objects. Compatible with Postgr...
964,075 ダウンロード数
active_record_analyzer 0.2.1
Analyze an ActiveRecord class to get information about its associations. You will be ab...
6,873 ダウンロード数
active_record-annotate 0.4.4
Adds a rake task which prepends each model file with an excerpt about the corresponding...
44,045 ダウンロード数
active_record_anonymizer 0.2.1
A Rails gem to anonymize ActiveRecord attributes using Faker and other strategies.
1,307 ダウンロード数
active_record-any_links 0.1.1
Link objects of different models in a single common table named "any_links" using ...
5,491 ダウンロード数
activerecord_any_of 2.0.2
Any_of allows to compute dynamic OR queries.
663,290 ダウンロード数
active_record_api-request 0.3.19
A ruby library for making requests to the services using the active_record_api-rest_con...
90,040 ダウンロード数
active_record_api-rest 2.0.3
A simple library for RESTful rails controllers.
190,649 ダウンロード数
activerecord_archive 1.0.4
A simple archiving extension for ActiveRecord. Archive old records to improve database ...
7,081 ダウンロード数
activerecord-archiver 0.1.7
ActiveRecord-Archiver is a simple tool for taking a subset of the records in one enviro...
35,784 ダウンロード数
activerecord-arel_depth_first 1.0.1
A DepthFirst visitor for Arel (removed from Rails in 6.1).
30,373 ダウンロード数
active_record_arrangeable 0.1.5
Friendly and easy sort
43,338 ダウンロード数
active_record-associated_object 0.9.1
Associate a Ruby PORO with an Active Record class and have it quack like one.
32,844 ダウンロード数
active_record_association_query_economizer 0.1.7
Optimize queries of ActiveRecord preload functions.
18,365 ダウンロード数