aitu-wallet 0.0.18
Gem to process Aitu Wallet requests
16,603 下載
aiuto 0.0.1
Google help me! Aiuto aiuto!
3,101 下載
aiver_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
2,600 下載
aivesoft-jekyll-theme 1.0.2
aivesoft theme.
4,727 下載
aiwilliams-dataset 1.3.1
A simple API for creating and finding sets of data in your database, built on ActiveRec...
11,013 下載
aiwilliams-mlist 0.1.8
A Ruby mailing list library designed to be integrated into other applications.
34,473 下載
aiwilliams-oink 0.1.0
Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size
4,376 下載
aiwilliams-plugit 0.0.2
Helping you write tests for code that depends on libraries
7,662 下載
aiwolf-client 0.1.2
This gem is useful for building Aiwolf 4.x Client.
7,191 下載
aix-errlog 3.0.0
Ruby FFI interface for AIX errlog
14,530 下載
aix_facter_helper 0.1.2
Longer description
6,321 下載
aixm 1.5.3
Build XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical ...
71,893 下載
aixo_es_una_prova 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
824 下載
aix-wpar 0.1.0
A wrapper for the AIX WPAR administration.
4,351 下載
aizuchi 1.0.0
Collect instant feedback into Redmine
6,275 下載
aj3434 0.0.0
A simple greetomg gem
1,414 下載
aja 0.1.1
3,228 下載
ajar 0.1.0
Uses Ajar's API to insert public URIs in place of local APIs for Facebook Open Graph co...
5,381 下載
ajaw 0.0.2
Item Manager
8,432 下載
ajax 1.1.7
Augment a traditional Rails application with a completely AJAX frontend, while transpar...
116,248 下載
ajax-autocomplete-rails 0.1.1
Ajax autocompleter
5,712 下載
ajaxboxlogin 0.0.12
AjaxBoxLogin is a small gem that generates the Rails 3 view partial, stylesheet and jav...
48,799 下載
ajax_canvas_field 0.0.6
Add a CanvasField to point out errors in three different colors
22,690 下載
ajax-cat 2.1.0
computer-aided translation backed by machine translation
66,818 下載
ajax-chosen-rails 0.2.3
Chosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery and Protoype. This gem...
51,072 下載
ajaxcrud 1.0.0
Creates complete scaffolds using ajax to create, edit and destroy on the same page. Als...
10,780 下載
ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0
A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...
4,760,627 下載
ajax-datatables-rails-alt-api 0.2.2
The goal of this gem is to provide a backwards compatible extension of the ajax-datatab...
18,693 下載
ajax-datatables-rails-coveralls 0.0.1
Fork for Coveralls app
3,907 下載
ajax_error_render 0.1.0
It is a Gem for creating and rendering the HTML of the error message when there is a va...
1,565 下載