RubyGems Navigation menu


ames_by_type 0.2.0

This gem extends the functionality of Rails' ActiveModel::Errors w...

8,117 下載

amethyst 0.0.0

A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.

4,095 下載

amex 0.4.1

A library for accessing data on an American Express account

26,176 下載

amex2xero 0.1.1

Converts a statement CSV exported from American Express to a bank statement CSV suitabl...

4,727 下載

amex_csv_to_ledger 0.1.1

Command line utility to convert AMEX CSV to Ledger.

1,561 下載

amex_enhanced_authorization 0.4.0

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for American Express Enhanced Authorization.

17,063 下載

amex_tokenization_client 0.3.0

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for the American Express Tokenization Service (AETS).

12,173 下載

amf 0.0.1

Ruby gem that allows for the interaction of AMF formatted items, and Flash LSOs.

5,497 下載

amfetamine 0.4.2

Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!

79,659 下載

amfora 0.0.2

RESTful Rack Middleware that provides AMF0/AMF3 support to Rails and Rack applications

11,540 下載

amfranz-ci_reporter 1.6.2

CI::Reporter is an add-on to Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber that allows you to generate...

6,327 下載

amf-ruby 0.0.2

Ruby Gem for serializing and deserializing AMF

3,552 下載

amf_socket 0.3.4

Ruby implementation of AMF Socket (

54,766 下載

am_hello 0.0.1

A tutorail, used to get my hands dirty with gems

4,175 下載

am_hello_son 0.0.2

A simple hello world gem

5,329 下載

ami 1.2.0

A tool to assist in building EC2 AMIs

12,764 下載

amiando 0.6.0

A ruby client for the amiando REST API with parallel requests in mind

117,626 下載

amiba 1.0.2

Description TBD

52,838 下載

amiblocked 0.0.3

Check if your service blocked by adblockers

9,176 下載

amico 2.3.2

Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis

55,286 下載

amico-db 0.1.8

Import mysql db.

3,788 下載

amida 0.0.4

Amida drawing

18,531 下載

amidoprofileservice 1.0.0

This gem allows subscribers to the amido profile service to consume the service in Ruby

4,094 下載

amiel-collapse 0.5

Collapse allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead o...

7,530 下載

amiel-hash_union_arrays 0.2

Allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead of overwri...

4,190 下載

amiel-is_paranoid 0.9.2

ActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua...

4,243 下載

amiel-sprockets 1.0.5

Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript and other sou...

14,017 下載

amigo 0.1.4

In-memory triple store

27,190 下載

amigrind 0.1.4

An easy, convention-over-configuration builder for Packer images.

12,869 下載

amigrind-core 0.1.2

Core logic for Amigrind.

6,335 下載